C Readme for the odacli create-appliance Command

Use the readme and example JSON file to create a JSON file to use the command-line interface to create the appliance.


Review this readme carefully along with the provided JSON example files. Create a JSON file with the necessary changes based on your environment and requirements. The examples on this page and the readme are also located in the /opt/oracle/dcs/sample directory.


It is important to review the readme and the examples carefully before creating your JSON file. If you do not enter your network and Oracle ILOM information correctly based on your setup, you will lose network access to both the host and Oracle ILOM.


    name: display name for the appliance instance resource
    instanceBaseName: This is the base name used for the service to derive the names for the other entities
    dbEdition: Enter "EE" for enterprise edition, or "SE" for standard edition
    timeZone: OS timeZone
    ntpServers: IP address for ntp server configured in /etc/ntp.conf, enter null if NTP is not configured
    dnsServers: IP address for DNS server configured in /etc/resolv.conf, enter null if dns is not configured.
    domainName: domain name (for example, example.com)
    isRoleSeperated: true|false
        set isRoleSeperated=true if role separation is required during the installation.
            need to specify 6 groups and two users. groupName and userName can be customized
        Set isRoleSeperated=false if role separation is not required.
            Need to specify 2 groups and one user. groupName and userName can be customized
    nodeNumber: 0 (Use 0 for ODA S|M|L)
    nodeName: the Name used to configure the host name.
        nicName: the NIC name used for the network.
            For ODA S: btbond1, sfpbond1
            For ODA M: btbond1, btbond2, sfpbond1
            For ODA L: btbond1, btbond2, sfpbond1
        ipAddress: IP address for this network
        subNetMask: subnet mask for this network
        gateway: gateway address for this network
        networkType: Public|Backup|Other
        isDefaultNetwork: true|false
        ilomName: ilom name
        ipAddress: ilom ip address
        subNetMask: subnet mask for the ilom network
        gateway: gateway for ilom network
    diskGroup: (ODA S|M|L contains DATA and RECO Diskgroups)
        diskgroupName: DATA|RECO
        redundancy: Normal|High (for 2 NVMEs, only Normal is supported, for 4 NVMEs, both Normal and High is supported)
        diskPercentage: Percentage of NVMe drive capacity is used for this particular diskgroup.
    language: language used for GI installation
    dbName: dbname for the database
    dbVersion: Use "" for 12c database, "" for 11.2 database.
        true: only database instance is created without any data files
        false: create a complete database (with datafiles, redo logs, etc)
    isCdb: "true" if this database is container DB. Only valid for database. "False" if this is non-cdb
    pdBName: pdbName if isCdb is "true", use "null" if isCdb is "false"
    pdbAdminuserName: pdb admin user name, use "null" if isCdb is "false"
    adminPassword: master password for the database.
    dbType: use "SI" , single instance database for ODA S|M|L
    dbTargetNodeNumber: use "0" for ODA S|M
    dbClass: OLTP|DSS|IMDB. For SE, only OLTP is supported. For EE, OLTP, DSS, IMDB(12c db only) are supported
    dbShape: database shape, decide which database template to use for this database.
    dbStorage: ACFS|ASM. Only ACFS is supported for Both ACFS and ASM are supported for
    dbCharacterSet: Characterset for this database.
    dbConsoleEnable: true|false. Whether or not to create dbconsole ( or EM express (
    userName/password: username/password for the ASR
    proxyServerName/proxyPort/proxyUserName/proxyPassword: information about proxy server.
    snmpVersion: use "v3"