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Oracle® Retail Assortment Planning User Guide for the RPAS Fusion Client
Release 14.1
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4 Clustering

Clustering is the final step in the AP business process.

Table 4-1 Business Role in Cluster Maintenance

Buyer Analyst

The Buyer Analyst builds and updates clusters in the Clustering task.

Clustering Task

Clustering is a business process where the merchant classifies the (store, site, application, and network) PoC base into multiple groups of PoCs that are similar in performance, space, or other attributes. Each cluster contains similar PoCs according to the criteria chosen by the merchant/trader. All PoCs within a cluster receive an identical assortment.

Types of Clustering

There are two types of clustering.

  • Basic Clustering

    Basic Clustering enables the merchant/trader to create clusters within the solution without having to depend on external systems. With Basic Clustering, PoCs are clustered using either the Breakpoint or BaNG algorithm. For the Breakpoint algorithm, the merchant/trader uses sales and margin performance to group high-level clusters (cluster parent) and one or two PoC attributes to further define the lower level clusters. The merchant/trader reviews the cluster versions in the Look Maintenance task and assigns a cluster version to a look.

    Batch Neural Gas (BaNG) Algorithm

    The BaNG algorithm automatically generates optimal clusters based on user-specified number of clusters and clustering criteria. The algorithm provides a means for clustering data based on data distributions. For example, while clustering on weekly PoC sales data, the BaNG algorithm considers the Euclidean distance of the individual PoC/week level data points from a cluster center to determine the clusters. This is different from the Breakpoint method, where clustering is performed based on average sales.

    The BaNG algorithm iteratively updates cluster centers while considering the distance of each data vector from the cluster centers and its contribution to each cluster center. For every data point, cluster centers are ranked based on their distance from the data point within each iteration.

    Additionally, the cluster centers are guided, using a control parameter, to gradually spread from the center of the distribution to their optimal locations.

    The BaNG algorithm is a non-trivial extension of the K-means clustering approach. It is usually faster than the K-means, and is guaranteed to converge.

    BaNG vs Breakpoint

    The BaNG algorithm generates statistically optimal clusters based on the number of clusters specified by the user. Breakpoint generates clusters based on user input breakpoints, and the number of clusters generated depends on the breakpoints.

    In order to generate PoC clusters that vary by Dept, users need to specify a group by option of Dept. Breakpoint clusters PoCs based on average PoC sales within each Dept, while BaNG can consider an additional dimension for generating the clusters. For example, BaNG can cluster based on weekly sales of each PoCs within the Dept. Here, weekly sales are the coordinates over which the clustering is performed.

  • Advanced Clustering

    If Advanced PoC Clustering is being used, the clusters are interfaced and imported into the Assortment Planning solution (potentially from the Oracle Retail Advanced Clustering solution). There is no need for the Basic Clustering workbook configured for this task. The merchant/trader is still able to review the cluster versions in the Look Maintenance task and assign a cluster version to a look.

Basic Clustering has the following steps:

Create the Clustering Workbook

To create the Clustering workbook:

  1. Select the New Workbook icon in the Clustering task.

    Figure 4-1 Clustering Task

    The workbook wizard opens.

  2. In the Select Look Group page, select the Look Group for which the clusters are to be created or maintained. Click Next.

    Figure 4-2 Workbook Wizard Select Look Group Page

  3. In the Select Source for Perf Clustering page, select a cluster source for assessment. Click Next.

    Figure 4-3 Workbook Wizard Select Source for Perf Clustering Page

  4. In the Select Time Periods for Source page, select the weeks for which the clusters are to be created or maintained. Click Next.

    Figure 4-4 Workbook Wizard Select Time Periods for Source Page

  5. In the Select PoC Channel page, select the channels in which the clusters are to be created or maintained. Click Finish.

    Figure 4-5 Workbook Wizard Select PoC Channel Page

    The workbook is created.

Custom Menu Option

There is one custom menu available for this step.

Seed WP with CP

In this custom menu, you can copy the Current Plan (CP) version of the clustering weights and attribute measure to the Working Plan (WP) version of the same measures. You would do this, when you have been testing some other options and decide to revert back to the last approved version of the measures.

To run the custom menu option, access the Custom Menu Option and select Seed with WP with CP.

Menu Item Seed WP with CP
  • Set Performance Goals
  • Define Clusters

Trigger Measures NA
Trigger Condition NA
Additional Detail NA

The following table lists the updated measures:

Updated Measure Source Notes
WP Weight Sales R CP Weight Sales R In Set Perf Clustering Criteria, PoC Analysis, Cluster Results
WP Weight Sales U CP Weight Sales U In Set Perf Clustering Criteria, PoC Analysis, Cluster Results
WP Weight Sales AUR CP Weight Sales AUR In Set Perf Clustering Criteria, PoC Analysis, Cluster Results
WP Weight Gross Margin R CP Weight Gross Margin R In Set Perf Clustering Criteria, PoC Analysis, Cluster Results
WP Weight Gross Margin % CP Weight Gross Margin % In Set Perf Clustering Criteria, PoC Analysis, Cluster Results

Step 1 - Set Performance Goals

This step has the following views:

Custom Menu Options

This step has the following custom menu options:

Seed WP with CP

For information on this custom menu option, see Seed WP with CP for this task.

This custom menu option is available in the Review/Set Weights and Select Cluster Attributes views.

Review/Set Weights View

The Set and Review Weights view enables the Buyer Analyst to perform the following, as applicable to performance clustering (not space clustering):

  • View the strategy/intent results defined in the Setup task and the resultant weights for each of the performance measures.

  • Override the weights assigned in order to change the performance weights used to calculate the Combined Performance Index to Average.

The weight of metrics might vary for a given class for different buying periods to give the planner flexibility in determining the clusters for each buying period.

This view defaults the strategy/intent defined for the Brick and Mortar channel for the selected buying period and the related weights. The planner is able to edit the weights for any and all of the metrics provided; however, strategy/intent may not be edited on this view.


The total sum of the weights assigned to all the metrics should be 100%; if the weights do not sum to be 100%, they are re-normalized upon the next commit and refresh.

The planner can override the weights on this view in order to influence the PoC clustering for this assortment. Making overrides only applies to this assortment and does not impact the default weights assigned to this strategy or the class.

Figure 4-6 Review/Set Weights View

Select Cluster Attributes View

This view enables the Buyer Analyst to select additional PoC attributes that can be further broken down by performance group. A maximum of two attributes can be chosen in addition to performance. These attributes are selected in the WP PoC Attribute measures.

Figure 4-7 Select Cluster Attributes View

Step 2 - Define Clusters

In this step, you create the clusters.

This step has the following views:

Custom Menu Option

This step has the following custom menus:

Seed WP with CP

For information on this custom menu option, see Seed WP with CP for this task.

This custom menu option is available in the Define Perf Clusters, Define Space Clusters, and PoC Perf Analysis views.

Define Performance Clusters View

In this view, the Buyer Analyst can choose:

  • The algorithm used for performance grading. The default algorithm is Breakpoint, but you can select a check box to switch to using the BaNG algorithm.

  • The number of performance-based cluster parents (A, B, C, D, and E) to be created. The maximum is five.

  • The label for each Cluster Parent (A through Z).

  • The uppermost performance breakpoint for Cluster Parents A through E.

Figure 4-8 Define Performance Clusters View

Define Space Clusters View

In this view, if using space rather than performance-based clusters, the Buyer Analyst can choose:

  • The algorithm used for space grading. The default algorithm is Breakpoint, but you can select a check box to switch to using the BaNG algorithm.

  • The number of space-based cluster parents (A, B, C, D, and E) to be created. The maximum is five.

  • The label for each Cluster Parent (A through Z).

  • The uppermost performance breakpoint for Cluster Parents A through E.

    Note: When clustering for Direct Channel, the cluster parents' name will be labeled as AE, BE, CE, DE, and EE. The images for Direct cluster parents will still show as A, B, C, D, and E.

Figure 4-9 Define Space Clusters View

PoC Analysis View

This view enables the Buyer Analyst to perform performance analysis and cluster assignment.

Performance Analysis

In this view, you can see the following:

  • The actual performance of each PoC in the source data period as a list of metrics.

  • The Index to Average for each performance metric, Combined Index-to-Average, and Space-Index-to-Average.

  • The performance group and space cluster in which each PoC would fall, based on the algorithm and additional attributes selected on previous views.

Cluster Assignment

This view enables the Buyer Analyst to view performance classification for each of the algorithms per PoC.

The Buyer Analyst may manually assign a specific performance cluster or space cluster for any individual PoC. For example, a PoC that fell in the B-Grade may be assigned to A-Grade if the Buyer Analyst desires.

Figure 4-10 PoC Analysis View

Step 3 - Review Clusters

This step enables the Buyer Analyst to analyze the clusters created in the previous steps.

This step has one view.

Cluster Results View

This view enables the Buyer Analyst to analyze the clusters created in previous views. It displays the WP performance measures based on the source used for clustering: actual history, forecast, or location plan. This view also serves to indicate how the clustering then impacts the Assortment Plan.

The Cluster Results view is read-only, although metrics may be rolled up at the cluster level to ensure that the clustering is aligned with the higher level plans. Note that dimension splitting can be used on this view to analyze the clusters based on any of the PoC attributes.

Figure 4-11 Cluster Results View

Step 4 - Approve

This step enables the Buyer Analyst to approve the clusters created in the previous steps.

This step has one view.

Custom Menu Option

This step has one menu option.

Approve Clusters

After the Planner generates the cluster parents and clusters, the cluster version can be approved to the CP version by executing the custom menu option:

  • This marks all the PoC clusters as approved by populating the CP versions of measures with WP values.

  • The CP version is exported to external systems.

To run the custom menu option, access the Custom Menu Option and select Seed with CP.

Menu Item Approve Clusters
View Approve Clusters
Trigger Measures NA
Trigger Condition NA
Additional Detail When the Approve PoC Clusters custom menu option is selected, the workbook is committed at that time.

The following table lists the updated measures:

Updated Measure Source Notes
CP Weight Sales R WP Weight Sales R In Approve Clusters
CP Weight Sales U WP Weight Sales U In Approve Clusters
CP Weight Sales AUR WP Weight Sales AUR In Approve Clusters
CP Weight Gross Margin R WP Weight Gross Margin R In Approve Clusters
CP Weight Gross Margin % WP Weight Gross Margin % In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Attribute 1 WP PoC Attribute 1 In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Attribute 2 WP PoC Attribute 2 In Approve Clusters
CP Use Bang! Algorithm WP Use Bang! Algorithm In Approve Clusters
CP Nbr of Perf Groups WP Nbr of Perf Groups In Approve Clusters
CP Perf Group Label WP Perf Group Label In Approve Clusters
CP Perf Breakpoint Upper Bndry WP Perf Breakpoint Upper Bndry In Approve Clusters
CP Perf Breakpoint Lower Bndry WP Perf Breakpoint Lower Bndry In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Count (Perf) WP PoC Count (Perf) In Approve Clusters
CP Nbr of Space Groups WP Nbr of Space Groups In Approve Clusters
CP Space Group Label WP Space Group Label In Approve Clusters
CP Space Breakpoint Upper Bndry WP Space Breakpoint Upper Bndry In Approve Clusters
CP Space Breakpoint Lower Bndry WP Space Breakpoint Lower Bndry In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Count (Space) WP PoC Count (Space) In Approve Clusters
CP Sales R WP Sales R In Approve Clusters
CP Sales U WP Sales U In Approve Clusters
CP Sales AUR WP Sales AUR In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin R WP Gross Margin R In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin % WP Gross Margin % In Approve Clusters
CP Combined Index to Avg WP Combined Index to Avg In Approve Clusters
CP Perf Group (Breakpoint) WP Perf Group (Breakpoint) In Approve Clusters
CP Perf Group (Bang!) WP Perf Group (Bang!) In Approve Clusters
CP Adj Perf Group WP Adj Perf Group In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Space U WP PoC Space U In Approve Clusters
CP Space Index to Avg WP Space Index to Avg In Approve Clusters
CP Space Group (Breakpoint) WP Space Group (Breakpoint) In Approve Clusters
CP Space Group (Bang!) WP Space Group (Bang!) In Approve Clusters
CP Adj Space Group WP Adj Space Group In Approve Clusters
CP Cluster Label WP Cluster Label In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin Index to Avg % WP Gross Margin Index to Avg % In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin Index to Avg R WP Gross Margin Index to Avg R In Approve Clusters
CP Sales Index to Avg AUR WP Sales Index to Avg AUR In Approve Clusters
CP Sales Index to Avg R WP Sales Index to Avg R In Approve Clusters
CP Sales Index to Avg U WP Sales Index to Avg U In Approve Clusters
CP Seed from Sister PoC(s) WP Seed from Sister PoC(s) In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 1 WP Sister PoC 1 In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 1 Weight % WP Sister PoC 1 Weight % In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 2 WP Sister PoC 2 In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 2 Weight % WP Sister PoC 2 Weight % In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 3 WP Sister PoC 3 In Approve Clusters
CP Sister PoC 3 Weight % WP Sister PoC 3 Weight % In Approve Clusters
CP Volume Adjustment % WP Volume Adjustment % In Approve Clusters
CP PoC Count WP PoC Count In Approve Clusters
CP Sales R WP Sales R In Approve Clusters
CP Sales U WP Sales U In Approve Clusters
CP Sales AUR WP Sales AUR In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin R WP Gross Margin R In Approve Clusters
CP Gross Margin % WP Gross Margin % In Approve Clusters
CP APS Sales R WP APS Sales R In Approve Clusters
CP APS Sales U WP APS Sales U In Approve Clusters
CP APS Gross Margin R WP APS Gross Margin R In Approve Clusters
CP APS Gross Margin % WP APS Gross Margin % In Approve Clusters

Approve Clusters View

This view enables the Buyer Analyst to approve the clusters created in previous views and include any notes for future reference.

Figure 4-12 Approve Clusters View