Automatic Discounts

The workstation automatically applies discounts to a guest check based on conditions within the transaction and without workstation operator interaction. For example, a property may run a promotional sale: buy one DVD and receive one CD for free. In this situation, whenever both a CD and a DVD appear on a single transaction, a 100% discount applies to the CD. There are several automatic discount types. This scenario is just one example of an automatic discount configuration.

Automatic discounts and automatic coupon discounts use the following Menu Item Groups to determine which items receive a discount:
  • Trigger Menu Item Group: Trigger menu items are the menu items that trigger a discount. A trigger menu item group contains at least one item that initiates a discount. For example, in a Buy a DVD, get a CD example, the DVD is in the trigger menu item group.

  • Award Menu Item Group: An award menu item group contains at least one item to receive a discount. For example, in the Buy a DVD, get a CD example, the CD is in the award menu item group.

A menu item can be in both the trigger and award groups.

Simphony uses several other factors to determine the automatic discount amount: