Configuring Discounts

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Discounts.
  2. Insert a record for a discount or double-click a record to select it.
  3. On the General tab, select the type of discount from the Activation Type drop-down list:
    • 0 - Manual (Manually entered and applied)

    • 1 - Automatic (Automatically applied, operator cannot enter)

    • 2 - Coupon (Automatically applied, operator must enter)

  4. To configure a manual discount, enter the following information. Otherwise, skip this step.
    1. To use a percent discount, enter the percentage in the Percent field.
    2. To use an amount discount, enter the maximum amount allowed for the discount in the Max Amount field.
  5. To make the discount available to the workstation operator, select Enabled. (If you configure a temporary discount, you can quickly turn it off.)
  6. Select the Tax Class to be applied when the discount is used.
  7. Select a Privilege Group to restrict the discount to only employees who are linked to the same privilege group. Set the Privilege Group to 0 to allow all employees to use the discount.
  8. Select the method to determine how condiment menu items are discounted from the Condiment Discountability drop-down list.
  9. Select the Report Group to associate with the discount.
  10. Select the appropriate options for the discount. The following table describes the options and indicates the Activation Types (Manual, Automatic, Coupon) that are available for each option.

    Table 14-9 Discount Options

    Option Description Manual Automatic Coupon

    1 - ON = Open; OFF = Preset

    Select this option to make the discount open. The workstation prompts the workstation operator to enter the amount or percentage.

    Deselect this option to use a preset amount or preset percentage for the discount.




    2 - ON = Amount; OFF = Percentage

    Select this option to make the discount an amount. Deselect this option to make the discount a percentage.




    3 - This is an Item Discount

    Select this option to calculate the discount based on the price of the last menu item entered. Deselect this option to calculate the discount based on the discountable transaction subtotal.

    For automatic discounts, this option controls the discount sorting and consolidation on a check. When set, each item in the Menu Item Award Group shows the discounted amount on customer receipts and on the POS client. When deselected, all items in the Menu Item Award Group show a combined discounted amount as one entry.




    4 - Employee Meal

    Select this option to set the discount as an Employee Discount. The POS client prompts the workstation operator to enter the employee number of the employee receiving the discount.




    5 - Reference Entry Required

    Select this option to require the workstation operator to enter a name or number when using the discount.




    6 - Validation Required

    Select this option to print a validation chit when the discount is applied.




    7 - Limit Discount to Value in Amount Field

    Select this option to limit the amount of a discount. Enter an amount in the Amount field, which represents the highest discount possible when setting this option.




    8 - If No Amount is Entered, Use the Full Discountable Amount

    Select this option to control the open amount discount calculation if the workstation operator does not enter an amount before pressing the Discount button. In short, this option allows you to set a discount as:
    • A 100% discount (if the workstation operator does not enter an amount before selecting the Discount button)

    • An open amount discount (if the workstation operator enters an amount before selecting the Discount button)

    You must select option 2 - ON = Amount; OFF = Percentage to activate this option.




    9 - Simple Item Exclusivity

    Select this option to apply the discount to only one menu item. This setting imposes a limit of one discount per item and prevents individual items from receiving a discount more than once.

    Deselect this option to have the Exclusivity tab settings determine how the discount interacts with other discounts.




    23 - Simple Transaction Exclusivity

    Select this option to have the discount apply to a single check. This setting prevents the check from receiving a discount more than once.




    24 - Discount is Final

    Select this option to prevent workstation operators from applying additional discounts to the transaction after the discount is posted.




    25 - Discount Combo Meal Group Items

    Select this option to discount combo group menu items when the Allow Discounts option is set for the combo group.




    28 - Apply to Returned or Direct-Voided Menu Items

    Select this option to allow the discount to be applied to returned and voided items.




    29 - Menu item to use check open time

    Select this option to have a menu item use the check’s open time (instead of using the current time) to determine effectivity of the discount.




    30 - Selected menu item to include parent menu item in discount

    Select this option to include a parent menu item in the discount when the workstation operator selects a child menu item for the discount.




    31 - Net Automatic Service Charge Itemizer

    Select this option to post the net value of the menu item to the Automatic Service Charge Itemizer, reducing the Automatic Service Charge after the discount is applied.

    This option is available when you set option 3 - This is an Item Discount (above) and option 12 - Add to Automatic Service Charge Itemizer from the Menu Item Classes module.




    32 - Limit Discount value to value of Discountable Item

    Select this option to limit the discountable amount to the item or award when the Amount Off exceeds the item or award. For example, if the Amount Off is $5.00 and the item or award is $4.00, the discount is limited to $4.00.




    33 - Cash Management Transaction Item

    Select this option to include the discount in ECM tracking and reports.




  11. Click the RVC Type tab.
  12. Select the revenue centers that can have the discount available.
  13. Click the Effectivity tab.
  14. Select the dates, days, and times for the discount to be in effect.
  15. Click the Effectivity Groups tab.

    The effectivity group configuration allows you to configure and package promotions so that the menu items and their discounts are only available for a fixed period of time.

  16. Click the Add Effectivity Record link.
  17. Assign discounts, menu item prices, and other configuration elements to the effectivity group.
  18. Click Save.
  19. To set an automatic discount to apply to a revenue center:
    1. Select the revenue center, click Setup, and then click RVC Parameters.
    2. Click the Options tab.
    3. Select 48 - Enable Automatic Discounts by Default. If you do not select this option, workstation operators must activate automatic discounts per transaction using one of the following function keys:
      • 655 - Auto Discount Toggle: Toggle the automatic discounts for the transaction

      • 656 - Auto Discount Apply: Apply all discounts possible

      • 657 - Auto Discount Remove: Remove all discounts from the transaction

      Examples of the types of discounts that are available with this option include:
      • All appetizers are 25% off

      • All domestic beers are $3 during Happy Hour

      • Buy an appetizer, get another one for 50% off

      • Buy an entrée, get $2 off a dessert

    4. Click Save.