Integration with the Android Mobile Operating System

You can run Simphony version 2.7 and later on devices with the Android mobile operating system. The Simphony POS client operates in a similar way on an Android mobile device and a Microsoft Windows device.

You can configure the POS client using the EMC, regardless of the platform. EMC manages the POS attributes, such as employees, menu items, discounts, taxes, and service charges for all Simphony client devices. System administrators use EMC to configure the pages (touchscreens) for all clients, and to deploy different user interfaces to Android devices than to traditional fixed place workstations.

The user interface workflow is the same on all devices and workstations. Rules are consistent across all devices governing the sale of items, applicable discounts, and employee functions. Android devices have special requirements that you should consider if you are familiar with the traditional Microsoft platforms. These differences include deployment methodology, configuration requirements, and the procurement process. Understanding these nuances and setting reasonable customer expectations ensures successful Simphony deployment with Android devices.