Creating and Editing a Template

You need to use a template to set the initial configuration and operating values for all new receptacle tracking sessions. This includes setting the amount, assigning a count sheet, and specifying how the application handles the opening balance after the workstation operator closes the receptacle.

  1. Select the Enterprise, zone, property, or revenue center, click Setup, and then click Templates.
  2. Insert a template record with a unique name, and then click OK.
  3. Double-click the template record to open it.
  4. Enter or select information in the following fields:
    • (Optional) Description: A description provides further understanding of the template that might not be distinguishable by looking at the template name. The Description is not shown as part of the receptacle when the workstation operator opens the receptacle from a template

    • Receptacle Type: Depending on the type of receptacle you select, additional fields become active. The following table describes the fields and receptacle types.

      Table 47-6 Template Receptacle Types and Fields

      Field or Option Template Receptacle Type
      Safe Till Server Bank Bank Deposit Petty Cash

      Starting Amount





      Starting Amount Source





      Prompt for Starting Amount





      Cash Pull Threshold





      Cash Pull Destination





      Count Sheet






      PAR Level










      Cash Deposit Routing




    • Start Amount: The starting amount determines the initial currency value of the session upon opening.

    • Starting Amount Source: The starting amount source determines where the starting amount for the session originates. If you select None, the starting amount is considered to be part of the receptacle and funds are not transferred from a source receptacle session. For example, a server who self funds a bank does not receive a funds transfer from the safe when opening the bank. Selecting a defined safe transfers the starting amount from the safe session to the receptacle session upon opening.

    • Prompt for Starting Amount: Select this option to prompt the workstation operator to enter the starting amount for the receptacle session upon opening. When you select this option, the application ignores the value in the starting amount field. This option is typically used for server banks where the server self-funds the bank.

    • Cash Pull Threshold: This field defines the Cash Pull Threshold Set that a receptacle session uses. If you set cash pull values, select a threshold set from the drop-down list to be used for the template.

    • Cash Pull Destination: Select a destination receptacle into which funds from cash pull operations will transfer; if you select None, funds do not transfer and ownership remains with the receptacle session.

    • Count Sheet: The Count Sheet value in a template determines the Count Sheet that is used to count the receptacle.

    • Cash Count Threshold: This field defines the Cash Count Threshold Set that a receptacle session uses. If you set cash count values, select a Threshold Set from the drop-down list to be used for the template.

    • Close on Count Completion: Select this option to have the application attempt to automatically reconcile the receptacle session upon completion of the count. This process transfers funds from the receptacle session to the sessions designated under Starting Amount Source and Cash Deposit Routing to bring the session to zero. When you deselect this option, the session remains open after the count completes. The workstation operator must manually reconcile all funds and close the receptacle.

    • PAR Level: The PAR Level defines the PAR Level Set to use for the safe session.

    • Minimum: The Minimum balance determines the lowest amount of funds permitted as part of a receptacle session. The application prevents workstation operators from processing most activity that takes the session balance below this amount. If you do not set a minimum balance, the application defaults to 0 (no minimum).

    • Maximum: The Maximum balance determines the largest amount of funds permitted as part of a receptacle session. The application prevents workstation operators from processing most activity that takes the session balance beyond this amount. If you do not set a maximum balance, it defaults to 0 (no maximum).

    • Cash Deposit Routing: Select the destination receptacle (safe or bank deposit) session to receive funds that transfer from a receptacle session as part of a cash deposit operation. When you select None, the application prompts the workstation operator to select a location to deposit cash.

  5. To edit a template, highlight the template record, change the values, and then click Save.