Creating, Editing, and Deactivating Receptacles

A receptacle represents a physical or virtual location used to store funds and draw transactions.

  1. Select the Enterprise, zone, property, or revenue center, click Setup, and then click Receptacles.
  2. Insert a record, enter a unique name for the receptacle, and then click OK.
  3. Double-click the receptacle record to open it.
  4. Enter or select information in the receptacle fields.

    Table 47-7 Receptacle Fields

    Field Description

    Receptacle Type

    Select the type of receptacle:

    • 0 - None

    • 1 - Safe

    • 2 - Till

    • 3 - Server Bank

    • 4 - Bank Deposit

    • 5 - Petty Cash

    Template Name

    Select the template to use for this receptacle.


    Select the location where the receptacle is defined. The location allows you to specify a receptacle name and configuration to be used in multiple locations. When you select 2 - Property, a receptacle is defined for each property based on the values entered. When you select 3 - Revenue Center, a receptacle is defined within each revenue center.

    For example, each property might have one safe to maintain all cash transactions for the entire property. Create a safe receptacle from the Enterprise level or zone, and then specify the property in the Location field. The safe receptacle is defined at all properties under the selected level. The Location field allows you to define a receptacle type that is commonly used across an Enterprise or region without uniquely defining it at each property or revenue center.


    Select Deactivate Receptacle to prevent workstation operators from performing further activity against the receptacle.

  5. To edit a receptacle, highlight the record, change the values, and then click Save.
  6. To deactivate a receptacle, highlight the record, and then select Deactivate Receptacle.

    Deleting a receptacle is not permitted.

  7. Click Save.