Loading EMC Translations

To load translated text files for the EMC:

  1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click Languages.
  2. Double-click the appropriate language record to open it.
  3. Click the Translation tab, select EMC Text as the Type, and then click Import from a File.
  4. Browse to the [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\Simphony2\EmcClient folder, and then select the EMC Text file corresponding to your language.

    For example, select EMCText_es.xml to translate to Spanish.

  5. Click Open, and then click Yes each time you are prompted.
  6. Browse to the [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\Simphony2\EmcClient folder, and then rename the EMC text file you selected in Step 4 to include the object ID of that language record.

    For example, in the Languages module, if the object ID for Spanish is 4, rename the EMCText_es.xml to EMCText4.xml.

  7. Click Save.