Loading Workstation Translations

When printing multiple languages on order devices, item names print in object number order of the languages configured in the Property Parameters module.

To load translated text files for workstations:

  1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click Languages.
  2. Double-click the appropriate language record to open it, and then click the Text Files tab.
  3. Click the Add link, and then select 1 - OPS Text from the File Type drop-down list.
  4. Click the Edit link, and then click the Import from a file link.
  5. Browse to the [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\Simphony2\Tools\Translations folder, and then select the Ops text file corresponding to your language.

    For example, select OpsText_es.xml to translate to Spanish.

  6. Click Open, and then click OK.
  7. Click Save.