Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Cascading Picklists >

Elements and Sections in the Cascading Picklist XML Output File

Table 19 describes the elements and sections in the cascading picklist XML output file.

Table 19. Elements and Sections in the Cascading Picklist XML File
Element or Section


This element contains the object that is being referenced.


This element contains all the cascading picklist definitions for the object name.

  <data:ParentPicklist>Organization Relationship</data:ParentPicklist>

<CascadingPicklist> contains all the values for a cascading picklist, as follows:

  • <ParentPicklist> contains the parent picklist that has been defined.
  • <RelatedPicklist> contains the related picklist that has been defined.
  • <Description> contains the description that has been defined.
  • <ListOfPicklistValueAssociations> contains all the associations for the given cascading picklist.
  • <PicklistValueAssociations> contains the starting section for a single association for the given cascading picklist.
  • <ParentPicklistValue> contains the parent picklist value for the given cascading picklist.
  • <RelatedPicklistValue> contains the related values for the parent picklist that has been defined.

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