Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Field Audit Setup Information >

Elements and Sections in the Field Audit Setup XML Output File

Table 75 describes the elements and sections in the field audit setup XML output file.

Table 75. Elements and Sections in the Field Audit Setup XML File
Element or Section


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.


<AuditRecordCreation> specifies whether the creation of records of this record type is tracked (true) or is not tracked (false).


<AuditRecordDeletionOrRestore> specifies whether the deletion and restoration of records of this record type are tracked (true) or are not tracked (false).

  <data:Name>Furigana Name</data:Name>
. . .

<ListOfFields> lists the fields that can be audited for the record type. For each field, the following elements are specified:

  • <Name> contains the system name of the field, which never changes.
  • <IsAudited> specifies whether changes to the field are tracked (true) or are not tracked (false).
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