Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Workflow Rules and Action Sets > Elements and Sections in the Workflow Action Sets Output File >

Send Email Workflow Action Set

Table 57 describes the elements and sections in the Send Email workflow action set XML output file.

Table 57. Elements and Sections in the Send Email Workflow Action XML File
Element or Section

<data:WorkflowName>Opportunity Approval

This element contains the name of the workflow rule with which this action is associated. When performing an Upsert or InsertOrUpdate operation for workflow actions, this name is used to find a matching workflow rule.

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This section contains the Send Email workflow action.

The <Order> element is the order number for the workflow action within the set of actions on the workflow rule. It determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand invokes the sequence of workflow actions.

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The <FromType> element corresponds to the From field in the user interface (UI). It indicates the source of the From email address. The valid options are:

  • FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS. This value corresponds to the Current User option in the UI.
  • FROM_DEFAULT. This value corresponds to the Default Email Address option in the UI.
  • SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS. This value corresponds to the Specific Email Address option in the UI.

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The <From> element contains the From email address when the <FromType> element is set to: Specific Email Address.

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The <ToType> element corresponds to the To field in the UI. It indicates the type of the To email address. The valid options are:

  • R. Corresponds to the Relative User on Record option in the UI.
  • U. Corresponds to the Specific User option in the UI.
  • E. Corresponds to the Specific Email Address option in the UI.

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    <data:To>O_Primary Owner Id</data:To>
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The <To> element's value depends on the <ToType> element:

  • If the <ToType> element is set to U (Specific User), then the <To> element contains the User ID of the user.
  • If the <ToType> element is set to R (Relative User on Record), then the value of the <To> element is defined, see Table 59.
  • If the <ToType> element is set to E (Specific Email Address), then the <To> element contains the expression defined for specific email addresses.

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    <data:Subject>New Opportunity
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The <Subject> element contains the subject line for the email.

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The <MessageFormat> specifies the format for the email message, which can be Plain Text or HTML.

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    <data:MessageBody>A new &lt;b>high potential&lt;/b> opportunity has been created.</data:MessageBody>
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The <MessageBody> element contains the content of the email message. For information about the HTML elements that are supported for use in workflow email messages, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

NOTE:  When updating or inserting a workflow action with an email message in HTML format, the left angle bracket (<) at the start of each HTML tag must be encoded as &lt;. At the end of the HTML tag, the right angle bracket (>) can be used, or it can be encoded as &gt;. When you extract a workflow action that has an email message in HTML format, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically encodes the left angle brackets in the extracted email message.

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      <data:SubjectTranslation>New Opportunity</data:SubjectTranslation>
      <data:MessageBodyTranslation>A new &lt;b>high potential&lt;/b> opportunity has been created.
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This section contains the translation values for the email subject and message, as follows:

  • <ListOfWorkflowEmailTranslations> contains the translations for each of the languages for which a translation has been added.
  • <WorkflowEmailTranslation> contains the translation for one language.
  • <LanguageCode> contains the three-letter language code for the language.
  • <SubjectTranslation> contains the translated email subject line for the language.
  • <MessageBodyTranslation> contains the translated email message body text for the language.

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