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Customizing Static Page Layouts

The right look and feel of an application is important for user adoption, and one way to achieve the right look and feel is by customizing page layouts. As part of the customizing process, you can:

  • Add custom fields to the Edit, Detail, and Create forms.
  • Make fields required on the Edit and Create forms.
  • Add or hide sections on the Detail pages.

    You can make sections unavailable (hidden) to your employees or you can make them available but hide them initially.

There are two methods of customizing page layouts. You can define static page layouts defining specific fields by role, or dynamic page layouts that change based on the type of record being created. Dynamic page layouts can also be assigned by role. The number of characters that you can use in page layout names is limited. For more information, see About Custom Layout Limits.

NOTE: You can create page layouts for emails, voicemails, and calls in Oracle Contact On Demand. Dynamic layouts are not supported in Oracle Contact On Demand. You can also define static page layouts for creating new records, as described in Customizing Page Layouts for Creating New Records.

You can create new layouts for each record type and then assign a page layout for each record type to a user role. When a user with that role signs in, the user then sees any customized layout specific to each record type. For example, you can create two page layouts for opportunities: one simplified layout for service representatives showing only the most important fields and another layout for field sales representatives showing many more fields, and assign the different layouts to the different roles. Users who are not assigned the service representative or field sales representative roles continue to see the default layout for the Opportunity page. As another example, you can create two page layouts for contacts, such that the Account field is required when service representatives add new contacts, but not required when service managers add new contacts.

If you do not assign a custom page layout for a record type for a given role, the default page is used for that record type.

When customizing a page layout, you can determine:

  • Which fields appear on the page

    For custom fields to appear, you must add them to the page layouts. After that, users with roles to which the custom page layout is assigned will see the fields on the Edit page, Detail page, and Create form (in the Action bar).

  • Where fields appear on the page
  • Which fields are required
  • Which fields are read-only
  • Which fields must always appear on the layout, even if users personalize their field layout
  • Which linked record types are displayed in the Related Information sections on the Detail page.

    For example, you might want linked contacts to appear on the Accounts Detail page.

  • How many page sections appear and with which headings.

You can copy standard layouts, but you cannot edit or delete them. You can delete custom layouts, unless it is already assigned to a role or a dynamic layout.

NOTE: Starting with Release 33, the Activity field can be added to Activity layouts. When you create a new layout for the Activity record type or edit an existing layout, you must add the Activity field to the page layout if it is not already on the layout, because Activity is a required field.

About Personalizing Page Layouts

Users can personalize the layout of the related information sections on the Detail page for a record type if the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege is enabled for their user role.

Users can personalize the field layout on the Detail page for a record type when their user role is set up as follows:

  • The Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege is enabled for the role.
  • A custom page layout is assigned to the role for the record type.

For more information about personalized page layouts, see the following topics:

Considerations for Fields in Page Layouts

When you design your page layouts, consider the following:

  • Some record fields are important to report and forecast calculations. To enforce the consistent use of these fields, they are flagged as required. You cannot change the required flag on these fields when customizing a page layout. You also cannot remove them from a page layout.
  • Removing fields from a page layout can have important implications for how the records are used. For example, if you remove the Status and Publish fields on solutions records, employees with that page layout cannot approve solutions or make them available to others.
  • Addresses are grouped together so that the field and their labels reflect the naming convention for each country. Therefore, for some record types, you cannot separate out individual address lines. Instead, you must select the field that includes the group of address lines (a single address option). This option replaces the individual fields that you could select in previous releases, such as Street, City, Zip Code. For example, for leads, the field Billing appears on the Field Setup and Field Layout steps of the Page Layout assistant. The Billing field includes all the Billing Address fields.
  • You can move standard and custom note fields in the Long Text Field(s) list on your page layout to other areas in your page layout.
  • You can move the following fields to and from the Long Text field(s) list, and to and from other areas, in your page layout:


    Field Name

    Account Address






    Sales Assessment Template



    Next Call


    Existing Partnerships


    Expected Partnership Benefits


    Indexed Long Text





    Dealer Address





    Session Details


    Test Objective



    Fund Request







    Session Detail

    Messaging Plan Item


    Messaging Plan Item

    Speaker Notes

    Messaging Plan Item


    Messaging Plan


    Messaging Plan


    Messaging Plan


    Messaging Plan Item Relations


    Messaging Plan Item Relations





    Target Audience

    Account Call

    Next Call

    Account Call



    Next Call



    Attendee Call

    Next Call

    Attendee Call


    Contact Address

    Acceptable Schedules

    Contact Address


    Contact Call


    Contact Call

    Next Call

    Smart Call


    Smart Call

    Next Call




    Next Call



    Partner Address


    Partner Program




    Product Indication




    Account Revenue


    Contact Revenue


    Opportunity Product Revenue


    Sample Disclaimer

    Disclaimer Text

    Sample Lot


    Sample Transaction


    Service Request


    Transaction Item




    Vehicle Service History


Page Layouts and Lists

You can use page layouts and role privileges to limit the fields that users can search, view in lists, and export. When a user creates or refines a list of records or uses advanced search to find records, the privileges and page layouts assigned to the user’s role determine which fields the user can search and view.

If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is enabled for the user's role, then the user can search all of the fields that are made available in the search layout that is assigned to the user's role for the record type. Also, when creating or refining a list, the user can select any field to display it as a column in the list of records that is returned by the search.

NOTE: It is recommended that company administrators do not enable the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege for most user roles. When the privilege is not enabled, fields that your company does not use are not visible in search and list pages. This reduces clutter and makes it easier for users to see the fields that they are most interested in.

If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is not enabled for the user's role, then the user can search a field only if it meets both of the following criteria:

  • The field is available in the search layout that is assigned to the user's role for the record type.
  • The field is displayed on the Detail page layout that is assigned to the user's role for that record type. If dynamic page layouts are defined for the role, then the field must be displayed on at least one of the dynamic page layouts.

    Also, when creating or refining a list, the user can select a field to display it as a column in the list of records that is returned by the search only if the field is displayed on at least one of the Detail page layouts, including dynamic page layouts, that are assigned to the user's role for the record type. This restriction also affects what the user can export in a list. If the List - Export Displayed Fields privilege is enabled on the user's role, but the List - Export all Fields privilege is not enabled, then the user can export only the fields that are displayed in the list. The user cannot export all fields on the records in the list.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application privilege.

To create a page layout

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the required record type.
  4. In the Page Layout section, click the required Page Layout link.
  5. In the Page Layout list, do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit link for an existing layout to modify it.
    • Click the New Layout button to create a new layout.
    • Click the Copy link to copy an existing layout.

      The Page Layout Wizard appears to guide you through the process.

      NOTE: The number of steps in the Page Layout Wizard can differ depending on the Page Layout link you click.

  6. In Step 1 Layout Name, enter a name for the layout and a description (optional).
  7. In Step 2 Field Setup, select the field characteristics, as follows:
    • Select the Required check box for any fields that you want to make required.

      NOTE: Users are not compelled to select a field of type Checkbox that is marked as Required. If you want the check box field to have a value of True (that is, you want the check box to be selected), then you must use field validation rules on the check box field. For more information, see About Field Management.

    • Select the Read Only check box for any fields that you want to make read only.
    • Select the Always On Layout check box for any fields that you do not want users to be able to remove from their layout.

      NOTE: When you create a new page layout, the Always On Layout check box is selected by default and is read-only for any field that is configured as a required field, unless a default value is configured for the field. If a default value is configured for a required field, then the Always On Layout check box is selected, but you can deselect it. It is also recommended that you select the Always On Layout check box for any fields that are configured as conditionally required. And, if you use or plan to use a dynamic page layout for the record type, then it is recommended that you select the Always On Layout check box for the picklist field that drives the dynamic layout.

      For information about the Conditionally Required check box, see About Conditionally Required Fields.

  8. In Step 3 Field Layout, you can:
    • Move fields from the record type Available Fields list to various sections of the record type Arrange Page Layout area.

      Make sure you move the custom fields and the industry-specific fields you want to add to the forms. Also, if any of the fields for which you selected the Always On Layout check box in Step 2 are not already on the layout, then add them to the layout.

      CAUTION: Unless a default value is configured for a required field, the required field must be on the page layout. Otherwise, anyone with that layout will be unable to create or edit a record of that type. If a default value is configured for a required field, then the required field can optionally appear on the page layout. Similarly, you must make sure that any conditionally required fields are on the relevant page layouts. Otherwise, users will not be able to enter a value for those fields when they become required.

    • Remove the Description field from your page layout or move the Description field to another area on your page layout.
    • Rearrange the information.

      NOTE: These changes affect all the forms for that record type when a user with an appropriate role views the pages. However, if you update the field layout after a user personalizes the field layout for the record type, then the changes do not apply to the personalized layout. Some fields include a group of fields or multi-line fields. Avoid moving those fields around because the information itself might overlap other fields in the final layout. For this reason, the application does not allow you to move multi-line text fields, such as Description.
      The application uses an address template that provides the fields specific to each country. For more information, see About Countries and Address Mapping.

  9. In Step 4 Related Information, you can:
    • Add sections or remove sections that appear on the Detail pages. The sections are the areas where users can link records to the current record.

      For example, if you do not want employees to be able to link products to opportunities, make sure the Products section does not appear in the Displayed or Available Information box.

      NOTE: Users can change these default settings through the Edit Layout link on the Detail page for their application. After users have edited their personal layouts, they do not see new changes to the related information made by the company administrator until they edit their layout another time.

    • Change the order of the sections on the Detail pages.

      NOTE: These changes affect the Detail pages for that record type when a user with an appropriate custom role views the pages.

  10. In Step 5 Related Information Layout, select the appropriate related information layout for each of the related information sections on the page.

    NOTE: The default layout for each related information section is the standard one. If you have created custom related information layouts already, you can select them from the list. For more information about creating related information layouts, see Customizing Related Item Layouts.

  11. Click Finish.
  12. Assign the page layout for this record type to user roles as required, see Adding Roles.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.