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Adding Roles

You can add a role to Oracle CRM On Demand by doing the following:

  • Creating a new role
  • Copying an existing role, renaming the copy, and then editing the privileges and access rights of the copy

Copying roles is useful if you want to have similar roles, but you want users to see different page layouts. For example, your North American and EMEA executives might want to view opportunity information in different ways, requiring different fields and page layouts for each set of users. To set up this configuration, create two roles that are based on the default Executive role, and name your new roles, Exec - North America and Exec - EMEA. When you copy the Executive role, the access privileges of the original role are retained for the new role, and you must change only the page layouts so that users to whom you give the new role are presented with the views and fields relevant to their work.

NOTE: You must create the page layouts that you want to associate with the role. For information about creating page layouts, see Record Type Application Customization Page.

TIP: Consider setting up a test user for each role. Then, activate the test user, and make sure the configurations are set up correctly. Do not activate other users until you have completed all user setup activities, including access rights, role settings, reporting and data-sharing hierarchies, workflow rules, and any other business process customization. Deactivate test users when the testing is complete.

Before you begin. Do the following:

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand generates audit records of all changes to roles. If your user role includes the Access Master Audit Trail and Admin Configuration Audit privilege, then you can view the audit trail of the changes to roles. For more information about viewing the audit trail, see Reviewing the Audit Trail for Administration Configuration Changes.

The following procedure describes how to add a role.

To add a role

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section, click User Management and Access Controls.
  3. In the Role Management section, click Role Management.
  4. In the Role List page, in the Translation Language field, choose your company's primary language.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new role by copying an existing role, click Copy on the role that you want to copy.
    • To create a new role that is not based on an existing role, click New Role in the title bar of the page.

      The Role Management wizard appears, to lead you through the process. Each step in the Role Management Wizard controls certain settings for the role. All the role settings together determine the access rights for users who have the role.

  6. In Step 1, Role Information, provide a name and description, and complete the remaining fields as needed. The remaining fields are described in the following table.



    Mark for Translation

    The Mark for Translation check box is effective only in both of the following circumstances:

    • When the name of an existing role is being changed
    • The existing role name has already been translated into one or more additional languages

      In these circumstances, you can use the Mark for Translation check box to indicate whether the translated role name is to be replaced by the new name, or is to remain unchanged. Depending on the setting of the Mark for Translation check box, the role name is displayed as follows:

    • If you select the Mark for Translation check box, then the new name is displayed in the language in which it was entered, regardless of the language used for viewing the list of roles. When the list of roles is viewed in the language in which the new name was entered, the name is displayed in black font. However, when the list of roles is viewed in any other language, the name is displayed in blue font within brackets.
    • If you do not select the Mark for Translation check box, the new name appears when the list of roles is viewed in the language in which the new name was entered. However, when the list of roles is viewed in any other language, the original translated role name still appears.

      The Mark for Translation check box does not have any effect when a new role is added. When a new role is added, the new name automatically appears in the list of roles in all languages. When the list of roles is viewed in the language in which the new name was entered, the name of the new role is displayed in black font. When the list of roles is viewed in any other language, the name of the new role is displayed in blue font within brackets.

    Default Sales Process

    (Optional) To set the default sales process for new opportunities created by users who are assigned this role, choose an option in the Default Sales Process field.

    For more information about this option, see Setting Up Sales Processes, Categories, and Coaches.

    Default Theme

    (Optional) The theme that is used by default when a user who is assigned this role signs in to Oracle CRM On Demand using a desktop or laptop computer. Users can override this setting when they edit their personal preferences. If a default theme is not selected in the user's record, then the default theme that is selected for the user's role is used. If a default theme is not selected in either the user's record or the user's role, then the default theme that is specified for the company is used.

    For more information on creating themes, see Creating New Themes.

    Tablet Theme

    (Optional) The theme that is used when a user who is assigned this role signs in to Oracle CRM On Demand using a tablet computer or other touch-screen device, provided that the tablet computer or touch-screen device is detected by Oracle CRM On Demand. Users can override this setting when they edit their personal preferences. If a tablet theme is not selected in the user's record, then the tablet theme that is selected for the user's role is used. If a tablet theme is not selected in either the user's record or the user's role, then the tablet theme that is specified for the company is used. If a tablet theme is not specified at any level, then the default theme is used.

    Action Bar and Global Header Layouts

    By default, the standard layout is used for the Action bar and the global header for all roles. You can assign a different layout for the role. If the user uses a classic theme, then the Action bar and global header layout for the role determines which sections are available to the user in the Action bar layout. If the user uses a modern theme, then the Action bar and global header layout for the role determines which sections are available to the user in the Action bar and also determines which sections are available to the user in the global header.

    Related Information Format

    (Optional) To set a format for related information sections on record Detail pages for the role, choose either Lists or Tabs.

    This setting determines if the related information sections on record Detail pages are shown as lists or as tabs. This setting can also be set on each user's record, and users whose role has the Personalize Related Information Display Format privilege can set the Related Information Format option in their personal profile. If the Related Information Format field in a user's record is blank, then the setting for the user's role is used; and if the Related Information Format field on the user's role is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

    Lead Conversion Layout

    (Optional) To set a lead conversion layout (for the Convert Lead page) for the users assigned this role, choose a layout in the Lead Conversion Layout field.

    If you do not choose a layout for the role, the default layout for the company is used for the role. For information about creating lead conversion layouts, see Creating Lead Conversion Layouts.

    IP Address Restrictions Enabled

    (Read-only) If this check box is selected, then you can specify that users who have this role can access Oracle CRM On Demand from certain IP addresses only. You can specify the IP addresses in the Allowed IP Addresses field.

    Allowed IP Addresses

    If you want to allow the users who have this role to access Oracle CRM On Demand from certain IP addresses only, then enter the valid addresses or ranges of addresses for the role in this field. If you do not enter any addresses in this field, then users who have this role can access Oracle CRM On Demand from any IP address that is allowed at company level. For more information about how IP address restrictions work, see About IP Address Restrictions for Roles.

    Separate the IP addresses and IP address ranges with commas. The following example shows how to enter several addresses:,,

    Use a hyphen (-) to denote an address range, as shown in the following example:,,

    NOTE: If you restrict the IP addresses for your own user role, and if your current IP address does not come within the range of addresses that you allow for your user role, then you cannot save the changes to the role. This feature prevents you from accidentally locking yourself out of Oracle CRM On Demand.

  7. In Step 2, Record Type Access, for each record type, select the check box for each access level that you want to grant to the role.

    You can select one or more of the following access levels for each record type:

    • Has Access
    • Can Create
    • Can Read All Records

      For more information about these access levels, see About Record Type Access in Roles.

      CAUTION: Denying access to a record type (by not selecting the Has Access check box for the record type in the Role Management Wizard) can prevent a user from being able to create a record of another record type. For example, if you deny access to a record type that a user must access to create a record based on another record type, you can prevent a user who has the role from being able to create that record.

      NOTE: To convert leads or deal registrations, users must have the appropriate access level settings for certain record types. For more information about the access levels that are required for converting leads, see Access Profile and Role Settings for Converting Leads. For information about the access levels that are required for converting deal registrations, see Access Profile and Role Settings for Converting Deal Registrations.

      TIP: When you make changes to the access levels for a role, after you save your changes, users assigned the role must sign out and sign in again for the changes in their role to take effect.

  8. In Step 3, Access Profiles, choose the access profiles to assign to this role:

    For more information about access profiles in roles, see About Access Profiles in Roles.

  9. In Step 4, Privileges, select the Assign check box for each privilege that you want to grant to the role, or deselect the Assign check box for any privilege you want to revoke from the role.

    Privileges are organized alphabetically by category.

    CAUTION: In some cases, if the Assign check box for a privilege is deselected on the Administrator role, then the privilege is removed from Oracle CRM On Demand, and the company administrator cannot grant that privilege to any other role. If this problem occurs, contact Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care to restore the privilege.

    For more information about privileges in roles, see About Privileges in Roles.

  10. In Step 5, Tab Access and Order, move the tabs to the appropriate section of the page, then click the up and down arrows in the Selected Tabs section to define the order in which the tabs that the user sees by default are displayed.

    The Not Available Tabs section lists the record-type tabs and custom Web tabs that you can make available to the role. The list of record types that appear in this section is determined by Oracle CRM On Demand. Most of the record types that are listed in step 2 of the Role Management Wizard also appear in this list. Other record types, such as Books, do not appear in this list because they cannot be displayed as tabs. The tabs shown in the Not Available Tabs section are not available to users who have the role.

    To make tabs available or visible to users who have this role, do the following:

    • Move tabs that you want users to see by default to the Selected Tabs section. This section lists the record-type tabs and custom Web tabs that are visible by default to any user who has the role, the first time the user signs in with the role. Use the up and down arrows to determine the order in which the tabs are initially displayed. Each user who has the role can customize his or her settings, so that tabs are no longer displayed by default or are displayed in a different order. For more information about how users can manage their personal settings, see Personalizing Your Application.
    • Move tabs that you do not want users to see by default, but which the users can make visible for themselves, to the Available Tabs section. This section lists the record-type tabs and custom Web tabs that are available to the role, but that are not displayed by default. That is, the tabs listed in this section are not displayed to the users until the users make the tabs visible for themselves in their personal layout (available from the My Setup link). Each user who has the role can personalize his or her settings so that the available tabs are displayed by default. Each user can also specify the order in which all of the tabs are displayed.
    • Leave tabs that you want hidden from users in the Not Available Tabs section.

      NOTE: Moving a tab from the Not Available Tabs section to the Available Tabs or Selected Tabs section makes the tab available to the user only if the Has Access check box is selected for the record type in step 2 (Record Type Access) of the Role Management Wizard.

      TIP: You can move a range of tabs at the same time by selecting the top one, holding down the Shift key, and clicking the last one in the range. Then click the right or left arrow.

  11. In Step 6, Page Layout Assignment, for each record type, choose if the Page View Type is static or dynamic, then select from the list of page layouts available for that view type.

    Page layouts determine the fields and sections users see on the Create, Edit, and Detail pages for the various record types. Oracle CRM On Demand comes with a standard page layout for each record type. The standard page layouts, which cannot be deleted, are static page layouts. So, the Static option is always available in the Page View Type field. The Dynamic option is available only if there are dynamic page layouts available for the record type. Company administrators can create additional, customized, static page layouts or dynamic page layouts for record types.

    For each record type, the standard page layout and any page layouts that are created for the record type are available for assignment to the role. For more information about creating static and dynamic page layouts, see Record Type Application Customization Page.

    The default page layout for a record type is the standard, static page layout for that record type.

    NOTE: The list of record types that appears in step 6 of the Role Management Wizard is determined by Oracle CRM On Demand. You might see record types such as User Admin and User Owner, which do not appear as tabs in Oracle CRM On Demand.

  12. If you want to configure the record indicator settings for the related information tabs for a record type, then in Step 6, Page Layout Assignment, do the following:
    1. In the row for that record type, click the Configure link in the Record Indicator for Tab View column to open the page where you configure the record indicator settings.
    2. Move each of the related information sections that you want to display the record indicators from the Available Related Information list to the Selected Related Information list.

      NOTE: All of the related information sections that are supported for the record type are available for you to select, including the related information sections that are not available in the Detail page layout that is currently selected for the role for that record type. The settings for the record indicators continue to apply to the record type for that role until you change the settings again. So, if you update the Detail page layout that is assigned to the role for a record type, then the record indicator settings apply to the updated layout. Similarly, if you later assign a different Detail page layout to the role, then the record indicator settings apply to the new page layout.

    3. When you finish configuring the record indicator settings for the record type, click Previous to return to the main page for Step 6 of the wizard.
    4. Repeat steps a through c of this procedure for each record type for which you want to configure the record indicator settings for this role.

      NOTE: Users whose role includes the Personalize Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege can personalize the record indicator settings for the Detail page for a record type. A user's personalized settings for the record indicators override the settings at role level. However, you can remove all personalized page layouts for a record type for a role, including the personalized settings for the record indicators, by resetting the page layout to the default layout. Users whose role includes the Personalize Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege can also reset their own personalized record indicator settings for a record type to the default settings for that record type for the role. For information about resetting page layouts, see Resetting Personalized Page Layouts. For more information about record indicators, see Oracle CRM On Demand Page-by-Page Overview, and for information about personalizing the settings for the record indicators, see Managing Record Indicators for Related Information Sections.

  13. In Step 7, Search Layout Assignment, for each record type, select from the list of available search layouts.

    For each listed record type, the list of available layouts is shown in the Search Layout Name field. Search layouts determine the fields (standard fields and custom fields) that users can use when searching for records, and the fields that users see in search results pages. You can assign a search layout for most of the primary record types that are available to the role as tabs. You can also assign search layouts to other record types that are also searchable, such as Product and User. For more information on creating and modifying customized search layouts, see Managing Search Layouts.

  14. In Step 8, Homepage Layout Assignment, for each record type, select from the list of available homepage layouts.

    For each listed record type, the standard Homepage layout and any Homepage layouts that you create for the record type are available for you to assign to the role. The list of record types includes all of the primary record types that are available as tabs for the role.

    Homepage layouts determine what information users see on the Homepage for each record type. Oracle CRM On Demand comes with a default Homepage layout for each primary record type that can appear as a tab. You can create additional, customized Homepage layouts for record types. For more information about creating Homepage layouts, see Creating Record Homepage Layouts.

  15. (Optional) In Step 9, New Record Layout Assignment, for each record type, specify the layout that is to be used for the pages where users enter information for new records. The following table describes the fields in Step 9 of the Role Management wizard.



    New Record Layout Name

    Administrators can set up custom layouts for the pages where users enter information for new records. If any such custom layouts have been created for the record type, then you can select a custom layout from the list in the New Record Layout Name field. By default, no value is selected in this field. If you leave this field blank, then the layout that is assigned to the role for the Detail page in Step 6 of the Role Management wizard is also used for the page where users enter information for new records unless the user has personalized the field layout for the record type, in which case the personalized layout is used.

    Quick Create Links Only

    Use this check box to specify when the custom layout that you select in the New Record Layout Name field is to be used, as follows:

    • If this check box is deselected, then the custom layout that you select is used when a record is created from any area in Oracle CRM On Demand.
    • If this check box is selected, then the layout that you select is used only when a user creates a record through the Action bar or the global header. When a user creates a record from any other area in Oracle CRM On Demand, the layout for the Detail page for the role is used unless the user has personalized the field layout for the record type, in which case the personalized layout is used.

      NOTE: If you do not select a layout in the New Record Layout Name field, then the Quick Create Links Only check box is not applicable.

  16. Click Finish.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

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