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Working with the Role List Page

On the Role List page, you can perform the actions in the following table.

To do this

Follow these steps

Add a new role

In the title bar of the Role List page, click New Role. The Role Management Wizard opens.

For more information about using the Role Management Wizard, see Adding Roles.

Add a new role by copying an existing role

In the record-level menu beside the role name, select Copy. The Role Management Wizard opens.

For more information about using the Role Management Wizard, see Adding Roles.

Delete a role

In the record-level menu beside the role name, select Delete, then confirm that you want to delete the role.

NOTE: You cannot delete the Administrator role.

When you delete a role, all users who have that role assigned to them continue to have the role until you assign a different role to them. However, after you delete a role, you cannot assign that role to any user.

Select a language for viewing the list of roles

In the title bar of the Role List page, in the Translation Language field, select the language in which you want to view the list of roles. You can view the list in any of the languages that are supported for your company in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: If an existing role does not have a translated role name, the name of the role is not translated and appears in brackets.

If the Alpha Search controls are available, then you can use Alpha Search to filter the list of roles. For more information about Alpha Search, see Filtering Lists.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.