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Call, Voicemail, and Email Detail Pages

Click a topic to see instructions for doing the following from the Call, Voicemail, or Email Detail page:

Oracle Contact On Demand administrators can create customizable Call, Voicemail, and Email detail pages. For more information on page layouts, see Customizing Static Page Layouts.

NOTE: You can create page layouts for calls, voicemails, and emails in Oracle Contact On Demand. Dynamic page layouts are not supported in Oracle Contact On Demand.

You can edit the layout of your Call, Voicemail and Email detail pages to display only the sections that you use regularly. Editing the page layouts also accelerates the speed at which your pages load and eliminates clutter.

To edit the layout of Calls, Voicemail and Email detail pages

  1. Click a call, voicemail, or email to open the corresponding detail page.
  2. Click the Edit Layout link located to the right of the detail page.
  3. Using the arrows, move the sections (content) from the Available Related Information column to the Displayed Related Information column.
  4. Click Save.

NOTE: You can also collapse and expand the sections you use most frequently or infrequently. If you rarely use a section, keep it collapsed. Collapsing sections improves the speed at which the page reloads. You can also use inline editing to edit frequently used fields. For more information on inline editing, see Updating Record Details.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.