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Adjusting Message Responses

A message response is feedback received from the audience during the presentation of a messaging plan during a particular period. The feedback is based on mouse clicks or taps of a tablet pen made by the presenter. Such feedback is collected continuously throughout a messaging plan delivery and is tracked by time and the specific messaging plan item being presented. For more information on messaging plans, see Messaging Plans.

The message responses that are displayed are collected and populated from the PCD delivery software. The responses that are relevant to past interactions must be displayed in Oracle CRM On Demand. The modification privileges to these responses must be granted only to administrative persons who have authority to retroactively adjust message-plan responses.

Your user role must include the Manage Personalized Content Delivery privilege to work with the Message Response pages.

NOTE: This feature is available in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition only. The Message Response record is available only as a related item of a Call record and is not available as a top-level record type.

To adjust a message response

  1. From a Call Detail page, scroll to the Message Responses related item section, and click New.

    NOTE: You might need to add the Message Responses section to your Call Detail page. For information about personalizing Detail page layouts, see Changing Your Detail Page Layout. If the Message Responses section is not available to add to your page layout, then contact your company administrator.

  2. From the Message Response Edit page, view and adjust the following fields, if required.



    Key Message Response Information


    The name assigned to the message response record. (Required field.)

    NOTE: By default, the Name field is a read-only field. It is read-only to maintain compatibility with previous releases. However, because this field is also a required field, your company administrator must customize the Message Response page layout so that the Name field is editable to be able to save the Message Response record.

    Messaging Plan

    The messaging plan being shown for a given message response. Click the Selector icon to choose an existing messaging plan.


    The sequence number of the messaging plan item corresponding to a particular response. (Required field.)

    Messaging Plan Item


    This field identifies the specific messaging plan item being shown with the messaging plan.


    The product associated with the parent messaging plan. Use the Lookup icon to select a product. (Required)

    NOTE: The Product field value must be the same as the parent Messaging Plan record. However, Oracle CRM On Demand does not enforce this requirement. You must ensure this value is the same as the parent Messaging Plan manually. If you do not, then you encounter data integrity issues. For example, if you have the Product field set to AAAA in the Messaging Plan, and if you update the Product field from AAAA to BBBB in any of the child PCD records (Messaging Plan Item, Messaging Plan Item Relations, or a Message Response) by using Web services, then the child PCD record describes product BBBB incorrectly, instead of product AAAA.

    NOTE: This field is not set up by default. If you require this field, then contact your company administrator to set it up, or see Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


    The underlying multimedia or graphic file content which is the subject of the response.

    Before Release 23, the Solution field was a required field by default. However, for Release 23, this field is no longer required by default. However, if your company has customized the page layout for this record type that occurred before Release 23, then the Solution field remains a required field for those customized layouts. To change this field to Not Required, your company administrator must deselect the Required check box for the Solution field that was set up in the customized page layout for this record type. For more information on field setup, see Creating and Editing Fields.


    The preconfigured values for responses are as follows: Continue Discussion, Need Data, Accepted, Not Interested, Rejected, or Not Shown. Select a value from the drop-down list.


    Additional descriptive information about the response.


    A component of a presentation item (for example, a graph) that might be activated during a presentation by the presenter. This component is the subject of a given response value.

    Start Time

    The beginning of the response period when the first message response was received. To adjust, click the calendar icon to select the start date and time.

    End Time

    The end of the response period when the last message response was received. To adjust, click the calendar icon to select the end date and time.


    The period (in seconds) between the start time and end time.


    The presenter selects this check box during the presentation of a messaging plan to indicate that a follow-up request has been submitted for a particular segment of the messaging plan. A follow-up request can include sending literature, and so on. This field is not selected by default.


    The message response category. Use the picklist to select a type.

    The default values for the Type field are Message Response and Outcome. Selecting a type can result in a different page layout from the default page layout for message responses if your administrator has set up dynamic page layouts for this record type. For example, selecting Outcome can result in a Message Outcome page layout, if it was set up by your administrator. For more information on setting up dynamic page layouts for this record type, see Specifying Dynamic Page Layouts and also see the topics about page layouts in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

    NOTE: This field is not set up by default. If you require this field, then contact your company administrator to set it up, or see Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

    NOTE: The Start Time, End Time, Followup, and Response fields were required fields in releases earlier than Release 24. In Release 24, these fields are no longer required fields.

  3. Save the record if you have adjusted any of the fields.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.