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Limiting Account Records Displayed

You can limit the accounts you see by selecting a filtered list. A list shows a subset of the accounts that meet the criteria saved with the list.

Before you begin:

  • When you create a list, you need to enter the fields and values for the criteria you set up. You might want to go to the Account Edit page and write down the exact field names and values as they are used in your application. Otherwise, your filtered list may not pick up the correct records. Alternatively, you can print the record Detail page to capture the exact field names; however, the printout does not capture the field values for drop-down lists.
  • If you are using Oracle Offline On Demand (the Offline client), the number of records that you can download at a time is restricted. By default, the Offline client restricts you to downloading 250 accounts at a time. Your company administrator can request an increase in this number. However, increasing the number could increase the amount of time it takes to complete the download process. If your account records exceed the maximum that you are allowed to download, create filtered lists that divide your accounts into smaller amounts, such as accounts based on different Priority values, or on location. Then, during the download process, select the filtered lists that you have created to make sure all your account records are copied to your laptop or desktop.

To open a filtered list for accounts

  1. Click the Accounts tab.
  2. From the Account Lists section on the Account Homepage, select the list you want to work with.

    For a description of default account filtered lists, see Working with the Account Homepage.

To create a filtered list for accounts

  1. Click the Accounts tab.
  2. From the Account Lists section on the Account Homepage, click the Manage Lists link.
  3. On the Manage Lists page, click the New List button.
  4. Complete the steps described in Creating and Refining Lists.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.