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Adding Multiple Contacts to Account Calls

An account call can contain multiple contacts. You can automatically create an attendee call for each contact, using the Oracle CRM On Demand Generate Calls feature, which enables you to reduce the number of keystrokes when creating calls. This feature also provides consistent information for the Contacts and Attendee Calls related information sections of the account call.

Considerations Before Adding Multiple Contacts to an Account Call

Before you add multiple contacts to an account call, using this procedure, consider the following:

  • The selected contacts are associated with the account call unless the contact has the Blocked Reason Code field set. If the contact has the Blocked Reason Code set, then the contact is not added to the account call nor is an attendee call generated, and Oracle CRM On Demand displays a message indicating that the contact is blocked. For more information on blocking contacts, see Blocking Contacts.
  • For each contact that is not blocked, Oracle CRM On Demand generates an attendee call when you select Generate Calls on the Account Call Detail page. The generated attendee calls are visible in the Attendee Call tab of the Account Call Detail page. The generated attendee calls have the Date, Time, Duration, Account, Address, Status, Subject fields populated from the parent account call.
  • You can see the correlation between the attendee call and the contact list for the account call as follows:
    • If the contact is removed or deleted, then the attendee call is also removed or deleted.
    • If the attendee call is removed or deleted, then the contact is also removed or deleted, as long as the account call is not in the Signed, Submitted, or Completed status.
  • If the contacts are merged within the account call UI flow, then Oracle CRM On Demand removes the attendee calls for the secondary contact.
  • If you have provided products detailed information, using the Products Detailed related information section or the Available Products for Detailing related information section in the account call, then the individual attendee calls are populated with the same product detailed information when the calls are created using Generate Calls.
  • If you have documented the samples dropped, promotional items dropped, or products detailed for a call, but if you have not submitted the call, and if a blocked product record is associated with the contact, then the call submission continues without error. The product must be blocked the first time that the sample or promotional item is dropped or the product detail is created so that the product is blocked from call reporting. If you have already entered the item in Oracle CRM On Demand and blocked the product, then call processing proceeds correctly. For more information on product blocking, see Blocked Products.

Before you begin. The person performing this procedure, typically a company administrator or a field service representative, requires the LS Manage Call privilege and access to Account Call, Contact Call, and Attendee Call records in the access profiles.

To add multiple contacts to an account call

  1. Go to the Accounts Homepage, and select the account that you want.

    For information on selecting records, see Finding Records.

  2. On the Account Detail, scroll down to the Calls section, and open the account call record for which you want to add an attendee.
  3. On the Account Call Detail page, click Add in the Contacts related information section, and from the Search for Contacts window, select the contacts that are participating in the call, and then click OK when you have finished selecting the contacts.

    NOTE: If the Contacts section is not visible on the Call Details page, click the Edit Layout link in the upper-right corner of the page, and add the Contacts section to your page layout. If the section is not available to add to your page layout, then contact your company administrator.

  4. On the Account Call Detail or any of the generated Attendee Call Detail pages, enter any products detailed, samples dropped, sample requests, and promotional item information as shown in the following topics:
  5. When you are done, click Back to Call Detail.

    The Contacts section lists the newly added contacts.

  6. When you are ready, click Submit to submit the call detail information for processing.

    For more information, see Submitting Call Detail Information for Inventory Tracking.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.