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Deal Registration History Analytic Subject Area


This subject area is available only in Oracle CRM On Demand Partner Relationship Management Edition.

Business Purpose

The Deal Registration reporting subject area provides information on how your partners are using deal registrations and the effect that deal registration has on your business. For example, you can do the following:

  • Create a report to show the amount of revenue expected from deal registrations.
  • Determine the average number of days that it takes to approve a deal registration.
  • Determine the percentage of opportunities that has been registered.
  • Report on the number of deal registrations that has resulted in new opportunities.
  • Determine the average validity period of deal registrations.
  • Report on the quarterly change in revenue from deal registrations.

Relationship Type


Optimized Custom Fields

This subject area has custom fields that are optimized to reduce the query time when they are used in filters. Optimized custom fields are in folders where the name ends with Optimized Custom Fields or Optimized Custom Metrics, such as Account Optimized Custom Fields and Opportunity Optimized Custom Metrics. Numeric custom fields, such as those with a type of CUR, INT, or NUM, are available as metrics in the optimized custom metrics folder, if the record type is the driving object in a specific subject area. For example, the Account record type is the driving object in the Account History subject area.

The following record types have optimized custom fields and metrics coverage in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers and one or more of these record types might be present as dimensions or facts in this subject area:

Record Type

Oracle CRM On Demand Answers Coverage


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Custom Objects 1-40

All optimized fields in CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, and CO9 only


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Opportunity Team

First five optimized fields of each type


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Service Request

All optimized fields


This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Associated Customer
  • Associated Opportunity
  • Contact
  • Date
  • Deal Registration
  • Final Approver
  • Owned By User
  • Principal Partner Account

Non-Close Date Metrics

The following metrics are not based on the Close Date of the registrations:

  • Deal Registration Metrics
    • Deal Registration Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations with Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations for new Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations for existing Customers
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations for new Customers
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations converted to Opportunity
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations pending approval
    • Number (#) of approved Deal Registrations
    • Number (#) of expired Deal Registrations
    • Number (#) of days pending approval
    • Average (Avg) Days to approval
    • Avg validity period (in days)
    • Percentage (%) of Deal Registrations Approved
    • Percentage (%) of Deal Registrations Rejected
    • Percentage (%) of Deal Registrations Returned
    • Percentage (%) of Deal Registrations converted to Opportunity
    • Number (#) of Deal Registrations resulting in wins

Close Date Metrics

The following metrics are based on the Close Date of the registrations:

  • Deal Registration Metrics
    • Total Deal Size on open Deal Registrations
    • Avg Total Deal Size on open Deal Registrations
    • Total Revenue from Deal Registrations
    • Avg Total Revenue from Deal Registrations
    • Quarter Ago Total Revenue from Deal Registrations
    • Avg Quarter Ago Total Revenue from Deal Registrations

Usage Notes

The Associated Contact dimension includes a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.