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Event History Analytic Subject Area


This subject area is available only in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Business Purpose

An event can be any type of promotional or educational event that is attended by sales personnel or other professionals. From a company's perspective, the following are the event types:

  • Sales Representative Level. Executed by a manager or one or more sales representatives.
  • Corporate or National Level. A national training event or meeting targeted at a specific group of professionals.

You can plan events at the national level for either a specific product or period and then allocate resources by region, district, or sales representative. For example, pharmaceutical companies require metrics and information about medical events to align sales and marketing activities. From a compliance perspective, reports provide information to companies, so that companies can control their budgets and ensure that there is little or no deviation.

Relationship Type


Optimized Custom Fields

This subject area has custom fields that are optimized to reduce the query time when they are used in filters. Optimized custom fields are in folders where the name ends with Optimized Custom Fields or Optimized Custom Metrics, such as Account Optimized Custom Fields and Opportunity Optimized Custom Metrics. Numeric custom fields, such as those with a type of CUR, INT, or NUM, are available as metrics in the optimized custom metrics folder, if the record type is the driving object in a specific subject area. For example, the Account record type is the driving object in the Account History subject area.

The following record types have optimized custom fields and metrics coverage in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers and one or more of these record types might be present as dimensions or facts in this subject area:

Record Type

Oracle CRM On Demand Answers Coverage


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Custom Objects 1-40

All optimized fields in CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, and CO9 only


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Opportunity Team

First five optimized fields of each type


All optimized fields


All optimized fields

Service Request

All optimized fields


This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Date
  • Event
  • Invitees
  • Owned By User
  • Product
  • Product Category


The complete list of metrics for this subject area is as follows:

  • Event Metrics
    • Number (#) of Events
    • Number (#) of Invitees
    • Budget Surplus/Shortfall

      (Definition: The difference between the event budget and the event cost.)

    • Event Budget

      The Event Budget metric comes from the dimension. When only the Event dimension is used the metric is the sum of the dimension field value. However, when other dimensions (particularly invitee) are used, the metric is calculated as the maximum of the dimension field value.

    • Event Cost

      (Definition: The cost of the completed activities for all attendees associated with an Event.)

Usage Notes

If your company changes the display name for Event to a custom name, the custom name appears in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers.

In previous releases reports that included the Product Category and Events dimensions produced no results if there is no product associated to the event. This behavior has changed and now Product Category is independent of Event-Product associations. Reports now show results based on Product Category without the need for product being associated to an event.

Events with No Invitees
Events that have zero invitees are excluded from reports, except for one special case. The only way to have a zero invitee event appear in a report is to use the Event dimension only (do not add a second dimension) and do not include any metrics.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.