SNMPv3 User Management

To support user-based security for SNMPv3, LSMS provides the SNMP Configuration > User Configuration > Add/Delete/Edit/Show menu options. These menu options are accessible only when the SNMP Global Mode is set to SNMPv3 ONLY or Both. Following is an example of the initial Add menu.

Initial Add User Screen

The User Name must be unique, 1 - 50 alphanumeric characters in length, and is case sensitive.

The Group Name must be already configured to be specified for a user, and must exactly match (case sensitive) a configured group name.

After specifying valid values for the User Name and Group Name and selecting OK, display of another screen depends on the security level configured for the specified group:

A user that is associated with any NMS cannot be deleted. For information about associating a user with an NMS, see NMS Configuration.