NMS Configuration

To configure the NMS with which LSMS will interact to send alarms, LSMS provides the SNMP Configuration > NMS Configuration > Add/Delete/Edit/Show menu options. The specific screen/submenu displayed depends upon the SNMP global mode set in SNMP Global Mode (the default mode is SNMPv3 ONLY).

The following fields are common to all modes:
The Name is a unique logical name for the NMS server consisting of 5 - 20 alphanumeric, case-sensitive characters. The Name is mandatory for SNMPv3 configuration and optional for SNMPv1 configuration.
The IP must be non-empty and unique.
The Port must be a valid value in the range 1 - 65535, excluding the pre-defined ports.
For the SNMPv1 ONLY mode, in addition to the common fields, the SNMP Community String field is also displayed. The SNMP Community String is mandatory and consists of 1 - 127 alphanumeric characters or the following special characters:
Add an NMS Server Screen for SNMPv1 ONLY

The community string is stored in encrypted form in the database.

For the SNMPv3 ONLY mode, in addition to the commone fields, the HeartBeat (sec) and User fields are also displayed.

Add an NMS Server Screen for SNMPv3 ONLY

Valid values for the HeartBeat (sec) field are 0 or between 5 - 7200, with a default value of 60.

The User field is mandatory, and must be specified exactly (case sensitive) as previously configured (see SNMPv3 User Management).

If the SNMP Global Mode is Both, all previous fields are displayed along with the SNMP Version field. Either v3 or v1 must be selected for SNMP Version.

Add an NMS Server Screen for Both

When the SNMP Global Mode is Both, the SNMP Community String and User fields are mutually exclusive. The HeartBeat (sec) field is applicable only for SNMPv3.