Using Restore Procedures

The platcfg utility provides for network backup and restore operations. From the Main Menu, selecting Backup and Restore displays the Backup and Restore menu as shown.

Backup and Restore Menu

Selecting Restore Platform transfers control to the Restore Backup Menu as shown.

Restore Backup Menu

To restore the data from NAS when the servers are in active/standby state, follow these steps:

  1. On the standby server, open the lsmsmgr menu using the following command:
    su - lsmsmgr
  2. Select Maintenance > Stop Node.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the active server.
  4. Start restore from NAS on the active server from the platcfg menu (Backup and Restore > Restore Platform).
  5. After restore, issue the following command on both the A and B servers:
    rm -rf /var/TKLC/lsms/db/auto.cnf
  6. On the active server, open the lsmsmgr menu using the following command:
    su - lsmsmgr
  7. Select Maintenance > Start Node.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 on the standby server.