Backing Up the LSMS Manually

Before beginning a manual backup:

Note: Backups can also be performed via the platcfg menu. For more information, see Using Restore Procedures.

The following procedure explains how to start a backup manually. If a backup procedure fails, contact the My Oracle Support (MOS).

  1. Perform the procedure described in “Checking for Running Backups” to ensure that no other backup (automatic or manual) is already running.
  2. Ensure that none of the following processes are running.

    All of these processes use temporary file space on the LSMS. If you attempt to start a backup, you may run out of file space.
    • Starting a standby node (to change its state from UNINITIALIZED "INHIBITED" to STANDBY)
    • An import command
    • An lsmsdb quickaudit command
    • A query server snapshot (lsmsdb snapshot)

  3. Log into the active server as lsmsmgr.

  4. View the backup log and ensure that the backup completed successfully.

    Note: The backup log shows only the active server’s backup results.
    For more information, see Daily Determination of Success or Failure of Backup.

  5. From the Main Menu on the active server, select Maintenance > Backup and Restore > Network Backup.

    The Select Backup Configuration Menu is displayed.
    Select Backup Configuration Menu
    • plat.xml is provided by TPD and is used to back up all platform files (such as log, pkg, and rcs files) from LSMS to NAS.
    • plat-app.xml is provided by LSMS and is used to back up all platform files (such as log, pkg, and rcs files) from LSMS to NAS.
    • lsmsdb.xml is used to back up the LSMS database on NAS.
    • lsmslogs.xml is used to back up the LSMS logs on NAS.
    • Exit returns control to the Backup and Restore menu.

    Select plat.xml as shown.

  6. Press Enter and the Select Action Menu is displayed.

    Select Backup on Active Server
    • Advanced Options enables specification of backup host details, the archive directory, the repository, and other options. For example:
      Backup Host: backupserver
      Backup Host user: root
      Archive directory: /Volumes/LVstorage
      Repository: logs (automatically selected based on the type of backup selected previously)
      Depth: 5 (numerical value, use of 1-5 is suggested)
      Prune: (*)Yes or ()No
    • View Index Table of Contents lists the data to be backed up.
    • Test Backup performs a test backup.
    • Backup performs backup of LSMS data on NAS.
    • Exit returns control to the Backup and Restore menu.

    Select Backup as shown.

  7. When the backup is complete, press any key to continue.

    Backup Complete on Active Server

  8. Log into the standby server as lsmsmgr.

    (For information, see “Logging in from One Server to the Mate’s Command Line”.)
    Note: If the standby server is not functional, perform the rest of the procedures on the active server.

  9. Select plat.xml on the standby server, and press Enter.

    Select plat.xml on Standby Server

  10. Select Backup.

    Select Backup on Standby Server
    Performing Backup Screen

  11. When the backup is complete, press any key to continue.

    Backup Complete on Standby Server

  12. Select lsmslogs.xml on the standby server, and press Enter.

    Select lsmslogs.xml on Standby Server

  13. Select Backup.

    Select Backup on Standby Server

  14. When the backup is complete, press any key to continue.

    Backup Complete on Standby Server

  15. Select lsmsdb.xml, and press Enter.

    Select lsmsdb.xml on Standby Server

  16. When the server has completed loading the Select Action Menu displays.

    Select Action Menu

  17. Select Backup, and press Enter.


  18. When the backup completes, press any key to continue.

    Backup Complete
    You can now exit to the Main Menu, or choose another menu item.