Automated System Check

The automated system check feature (syscheck) detects, diagnoses, and displays a summary of the overall health of the LSMS server. An LSMS application-specific module, qs_app (System Class) reports on the status of query server direct connections with the LSMS. The status of each connection is displayed on the screen as "OK", "WARNING", or "FAILURE".

Manually Checking Query Server Status

Although syscheck runs automatically and records output in the syscheck log, users can run the syscheck command to check query server status. To manually check query server status, perform the following procedure:

  1. Log into the active server command line as root.

    (For information about logging in, see “Logging In to LSMS Server Command Line”).

  2. Enter the following command:

    # syscheck system qs

    The possible output examples are explained below.

Automated System Check OK Status

When syscheck detects no problems with query server direct connections, output similar to the following appears.

Automated System Check Output Example - OK

Automated System Check FAILURE Status

When syscheck detects one or more of the following failures, output similar to the following appears.

Automated System Check Output Example - FAILURE

Automated System Check WARNING Status

When syscheck detects that one or more query servers are not connected and replicating the LSMS database, output similar to the following appears. The hostname of the query servers that fail the connections check is reported.

Automated System Check Output Example - WARNING