Using the traceroute Utility

The traceroute utility determines the path between the host where the utility is run and the remote host named by the utility’s input parameter. The utility also reports the latency of each hop along the route.

Note: If the network between the hosts contains firewalls, this utility may fail unless the firewalls are properly set up. Setting up firewalls is the responsibility of the customer.

Use the following procedure to run the traceroute utility:

  1. Log in as the lsmsmgr user on the server from which you want to test the route.

  2. From the lsmsmgr interface, select Diagnostics > Network Diagnostics > Traceroute.


  3. Ensure the cursor is placed in the Hostname/IP Address field, and type the IP address of the system to which you wish to trace the route, then use the down arrow key to highlight the OK button, and press Enter.

    The results display in a window similar to the following.
    TraceRoute Results

  4. The output depends on how many hops exist between the server you logged into and the IP address you entered.

    To interpret output similar to the following example, see Table 1.
    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
     1 (  2 ms  2 ms  2 ms
     2 (  3 ms  4 ms  1 ms
     3 (  5 ms *  4 ms
    Interpreting traceroute Output

    Line Number



    Indicates the IP address of the interface from which the traceroute packets left the originating host


    Indicates the IP address of the router that routed the traceroute packets


    Indicates the IP address of the remote host. The * shown in this line indicates that there was packet loss connecting to this computer.