Oracle® DIVAnet

Release Notes

Release 2.1


June 2016

What's New

DIVAnet 2.1 builds upon the new architecture and features introduced in 2.0. DIVAnet 2.1 adds Linux support, bug fixes, and UI enhancements. Legacy DIVAnet (release 1.0 and referred to as the Access Gateway in the DIVArchive installer) is still available. DIVAnet 2.x is configured differently from Legacy DIVAnet 1.0, and therefore not a drop-in replacement.

DIVAnet 2.1 operates with DIVArchive 7.3.1 and later. The DIVAnet 2.1 ClientAdapter and DbSync services operate with a DIVAnet 2.0 ManagerAdapter. One exception exists: the DIVAnet ClientAdapter Proxy Mode (Direct Mode with no DIVAnet database) will not work with a DIVAnet 2.0 ManagerAdapter.

DIVAnet 2.0 to DIVAnet 2.1 Enhancements

Oracle Linux 7 Support

In addition to Microsoft Windows support, DIVAnet 2.1 enables full support for Oracle Linux (64-bit, release 7 and later). There are separate installers for each operating system. The Oracle DIVAnet Installation, Configuration, and Operations Guide in the DIVAnet 2.1 Documentation library contains installation instructions for both Windows and Linux.

Enhanced Restore Workflow

Enhanced restore workflows enable restoring to any Source/Destination in the network (including remote Source/Destinations) regardless of where the content resides. Restoring through intersite copy to remote Source/Destinations was not permitted in earlier DIVAnet releases. DIVanet 2.1 is enhanced to enable this functionality. You must insure that your access rules enforce the policies required for your deployment.

DIVAnet UI Restore Command

DIVAnet UI now has the ability to restore digital assets from the Assets tab. You can select multiple objects to restore to a specific Source/Destination.

DIVAnet UI Asset Query Paging Support

DIVAnet UI supports viewing multiple pages of assets. The default for each page is 100 objects (this is configurable in file).

DIVAnet UI Logical OR in Asset Queries

The DIVAnet UI Asset Query panel can now optionally OR together values of the same parameter type. The default ANDs together all of the values in a query. For example, by default, you could perform a query of assets on site Dallas AND site NewYork, or select the new option and return assets that are on site Dallas OR NewYork.

DIVarchive API getStoragePlan() Support

Support for the DIVArchive API getStoragePlan() call in MultiDiva Mode.


DIVAnet 2.1 requires DIVArchive 7.3.1 (minimum) on all sites, and is supported in the Windows or Oracle Linux operating system.

Installing and Configuring DIVAnet

To install DIVAnet 2.1 on either Windows or Linux, refer to the Oracle DIVAnet Installation, Configuration, and Operations Guide in the Oracle DIVAnet 2.1 Documentation library.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle DIVAnet Release Notes, Release 2.1


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