SBR Data Migration Plans elements

Table 1 describes the elements on the SBR > Configuration > SBR Data Migration Plans page on the NO GUI.

SBR Data Migration Plans Elements
Fields (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
Plan Name* A name that uniquely identifies the SBR Data Migration Plan.

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Migration Type* The type of data migration plan that this plan is to be a part of.

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: Un-Mating, Mating, Re-Mating

Initial Database* A name that uniquely identifies the database from which records are to be migrated.

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: List of configured Databases eligible to be the source of a migration

Initial Place Association The Place Association configured to use the Initial Database. This read only field displays the Place Association configured for the Target Database.
Target Database* A name that uniquely identifies the database to which records are to be migrated.

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: List of configured Databases eligible to be the target of a migration

Target Place Association The Place Association configured to use the Target database. This read only field displays the Place Association configured for the Target Database.