SBR Database Resizing Plans elements

Table 1 describes the elements on the SBR > Configuration > SBR Database Resizing Plans page on the NO GUI.

SBR Database Resizing Plans Elements
Fields (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
Plan Name* A name that uniquely identifies the SBR Database Resizing Plan

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Database Name* The SBR Database to be resized

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: List of configured Databases eligible to be resized

Initial Resource Domain The Resource Domain configured for the selected database. This read only field displays the Resource Domain associated with the selected database.
Database Type The type of SBR Database This read-only field displays the Database Type associated with the selected database.
Initial Number of Server Groups The number of Server Groups hosting this database. This read only field displays the number of Server Groups contained in the Initial Resource Domain.
Target Resource Domain*

The Resource Domain into which the database is to be migrated.

Select the Resource Domain that will host the resized database

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: Configured Resource Domains eligible for use as a target resource domain for this resizing plan

Target Number of Server Groups*

The total number of Policy SBR Server Groups required to support the migrated or resized database.

Enter the total number of Server Groups necessary to support the capacity of the resized database, including any server groups that will be reused from the original resource domain.

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range:1 to 8