SBR Database elements

Table 1 describes the elements on the SBR > Configuration > SBR Databases page on the NO GUI.

SBR Database Elements
Fields (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
Database Name* A name that uniquely identifies the SBR Database.

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Database Type*

The type of SBR Database.

Select Binding for a Policy Binding database, select Session for a Policy DRA or Online Charging DRA Session database, or select Universal for a Universal SBR database.

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: Binding, Session, or Universal

Resource Domain*

The Policy Session or Policy Binding Resource Domain that contains the SBR Server Groups configured for use by this database.

Select the Resource Domain that will host this database.

Format: List

Default: N/A

Range: Configured Resource Domains matching the selected Database Type that have not already been assigned to a Database.

Number of Server Groups*

The number of SBR Server Groups required to host this database.

Enter or change the number of Server Groups necessary to support the desired capacity of the database. If the selected Resource Domain already contains Server Groups, the number of Server Groups in the Resource Domain is displayed in the field, but can be overridden as desired.

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range: 1 to 8

Place Association*

The Place Association that contains the Places (Sites) that will use this database.

Select the Place Association that is to use this SBR Database.

Format: List

Range: Configured Place Associations matching the selected Database Type that have not already been assigned to a Database

Owner Application

The name of the application that owns the configured SBR DB.

  • If the database type is Session, PCA is automatically displayed as the Owner Application
  • If the database type is Binding, PCA is automatically displayed as the Owner Application
  • If the database type is Universal, select the Owner Application for the SBR database

Format: List

Default: None

Range: None, PCA, and configured DCA application names