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Oracle® Communications Diameter Signaling Router IDIH ProTrace
Release 7.3 through 8.2
E69820, E76956, E87976, and E89023
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Ladder Diagram

The Ladder Diagram shows the TTR events in graphical form, providing an additional form of information shown in the TTR Event panel. Additionally, ProTrace will process and display Client Redirect events when received.

Figure 3-9 Ladder Diagram

The user can hover or click on a bubble of the ladder diagram which may show information about that particular bubble in the Diameter Full Decoding Panel.

The user can also click Toggle Event Table to view events in tabular form, which also allows for a selected row to appear in the Diameter Full Decoding Panel.

Table 3-2 defines how the TTR events are visualized in the ladder diagram:

Table 3-2 Ladder Diagram Visualization

Event Type Event Scope Event Diagram Visualization
Request Message Sent/Received IR, ER Blue bubble with arrow from source node to destination node
Answer Message Sent or Received with Success Result Code (RC< 3000) IA, EA Green bubble with arrow from source node to destination node
Answer Message Sent or Received with Success Result Code (RC >= 3000) IA, EA Red bubble with arrow from source node to destination node
Message Created App Data Gray bubble on DSR node
App Invoked App Orange bubble beside DSR node with arrows from DSR to and from Application bubble
App Result App Data App Result appends a text to the corresponding Application's tooltip
App Invocation Failed IR Data, IA Data App Invocation Failed makes the corresponding Application bubble red and appends text to its tooltip.
Trace Match IR Data, ER Data, IA Data, EA Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Linked TTR No visualization
ART Rule Match IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
ART Rule Not Match IR Data Red bubble on DSR node
PRT Rule Match IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
PRT Rule Not Match IR Data Red bubble on DSR node
Unavailability Action IR Data, IA Data Unavailability Action makes the previous event bubble red.
Route List Selected IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Dest-Host Routing IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Alternate Implicit Routing Alternate Implicit Routing makes previous metadata bubble red and appends a text in its tooltip.
Route Group Selected IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Mediation Rule Match IR Data, ER Data, IA Data, EA Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Request Rerouted IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Answer Timeout IA Arrow from source node to destination node
Answer Matching Failed IA Data Red bubble on DSR node
Address Resolution Match App Data Address Resolution Match appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
Routing Exception App Data Routing Exception appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
DP Query Sent App Data DP Query Sent appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
DP Response Received App Data DP Response Received appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
DP Query Failure App Data DP Query Failure appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
DP Response Timeout App Data DP Response Timeout appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
SBR Query Sent App Data SBR Query Sent appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
SBR Response Received App Data SBR Response Received appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
SBR Query Failure App Data SBR Query Failure appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
SBR Response Timeout App Data SBR Response Timeout appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
Message Copied IA MSG-Copied bubble appears on DSR node
Copied Message IG (Internally Generated) Copied-MSG bubble appears on DSR node
Message Copy Triggered IR, ER MC-Triggered bubble appears on DSR node
Request Redirected IR Data Gray bubble on DSR node
Diameter Request processing routine invoked IR Data Diameter Request processing routine invoked appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
Diameter Answer processing routine invoked IR Data Diameter Answer processing routine invoked appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
U-SBR Query send IR Data U-SBR Query appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
Callback invoked IR Data Callback invoked appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble.
Subroutine name not found IR Data Subroutine name not found appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble
Runtime error IR Data Runtime error appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble
Debug message IR Data Debug message appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble
U-SBR Query Result received IR Data U-SBR Query Result received appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble
U-SBR Query send failed IR Data U-SBR Query send Failed appends a text to the corresponding Application bubble