Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Loading Billing Data Into Oracle Billing Insight >

Resolving Checksum Errors

The processes for loading postpay (except master files), unbilled and prepay data perform a checksum error analysis. For each process, the checksum determines whether the number of records loaded into the staging table is the same as the number finally loaded into the production table.

CAUTION:  The process time for running the Checksum depends on the size of the file you are processing; larger files require more time; the process compares all of the relevant fields for errors.

The checksum result is shown in the EDX_RPT_ETL_LOG table. The checksum error log also provides information about what was missing or incorrect.

You can run the EDX_ETL_CHECKSUM_TROUBLESHOOT process to determine which records caused the checksum errors in the unbilled or prepay data load files. The EDX_ETL_CHECKSUM_TROUBLESHOOT process populates the EDX_RPT_ETL_CHECKSUM_ERRORS table, which you can then use to review the problem records.

You can use the EDX_ETL_CHECKSUM_TROUBLESHOOT process only if the 06_Auto_Reject global parameter in the unbilled or prepay load process is set to N.

To determine which records caused the checksum errors

  1. Log into SQL*Plus as the schema owner.
  2. Run the EDX_ETL_CHECKSUM_TROUBLESHOOT process as follows:

    set serveroutput on
    vresult int;
    vtablename varchar2(30);
    vfilename varchar2(255);
    -- Call the procedure
    edx_etl_checksum_troubleshoot(pfilename => vfilename,
    ptablename => vtablename,
    presult => vresult);


    • pfilename is the name of the postpay, unbilled, or prepay data input file that produced the checksum error.
    • ptablename is the name of the fact table to check. You can also specify no value.
    • presult is the return code: 0 = success; -1 = failure. Check the EDX_RPT_ETL_LOG file in the OLAP database for details about the failure.
  3. Review the EDX_RPT_ETL_CHECKSUM_ERRORS table, which was populated by the EDX_ETL_CHECKSUM_TROUBLESHOOT process.
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