Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight

What's New in This Release

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Creating Applications and Jobs

Creating a New Application

About Mapping Your Application to a Data Source EJB

Deleting an Application

About Oracle Billing Insight Jobs

Creating a New Job

Changing a Job Configuration

Deleting a Job

About Data Protection

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Enrolling and Logging In to the Command Center

Enrolling New System Administrator Users for the Command Center

Creating a Password to Log Into the Command Center for the First Time

Logging In to the Command Center

Logging Out of the Command Center

Changing an Administrator's Password or Personal Information

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Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters

Billing Jobs

StatementReady Job

Notifier Job

StatementSummaryPDFProvider Job

StatementSummaryDaisyProvider Job

BatchReportScheduler Job

BatchReportProcessor Job

ProvisioningData Job

PasswordExpNotify Job

EmailBounceBack Job

LoadExternalB2BUsers Job

LoadExternalB2CUsers Job

LoadExternalCSRUsers Job

DefUsrAcctRelationship Job

Purge Logs Job

ReportCleanUp Job


Hierarchy Jobs

HierarchyImporter Job

HierarchyCopy Job

HierarchyCleanUp Job

HierarchyPurge Job

Payment Jobs

pmtRecurringPayment Job

pmtSubmitEnroll Job

pmtConfirmEnroll Job

pmtPaymentReminder Job

pmtCheckSubmit Job

pmtCheckUpdate Job

pmtARIntegrator Job

pmtAllCheckTasks Job

PaymentDueNotification Job

pmtCreditCardSubmit Job

pmtPaymentRefund Job

ThresholdExceedNotify Job

pmtCreditCardExpNotify Job

pmtCustom Job

pmtNotifyEnroll Job

Payment Consolidator Jobs

PCAccountEnrollment Job

PCBillSummary Job

PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement Job

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Administering the Live Production Process

Administering Jobs

Monitoring Production Jobs

Viewing Job Status

Viewing and Verifying Task Status

Canceling and Rerunning Failed Jobs

Starting a Job Manually

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Scheduling Jobs

Scheduling Jobs

Process of Configuring a Blackout Calendar

Creating a Blackout Calendar

Editing a Blackout Calendar

Deleting a Blackout Calendar

Applying a Blackout Calendar to a Job Schedule

Process of Configuring Job Alerts

Creating Alert Groups

Editing Alert Groups

Deleting Alert Groups

Creating Alert Profiles

Updating an Alert Profile

Deleting an Alert Profile

Applying Alerts to a Job Schedule

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Configuring the Payments Module

About the Payment Module Features

About the Transaction Manager and Payment Cartridges

Using Chase Paymentech Orbital Payment Gateway

Scheduling Payment Jobs

About Email Notifications

Configuring Payment Gateways

Parameters for Configuring Global Payment Settings

Check Gateway Configuration Parameters

Credit Card Gateway Parameters for PayPal Payflow Pro

Credit Card Gateway Parameters for Chase Paymentech Orbital (PNS or Salem)

Credit Card Gateway Parameters for CyberSource

Parameters for Configuring a Payee Bank Account

Configuring the Chase Paymentech Orbital Properties File

Configuring a Credit Card Gateway for Each Payment Method

Configuring Page Encryption for Payment Pages

Process of Configuring a Payment Consolidator

Registering a Payment Consolidator

Registering a Biller

Configuring XMA Settings for Payment Consolidation Jobs

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Recurring Payments

About Recurring Payments

About the Multiple Recurring Payment Feature

About the Recurring Payment Transaction Cycle

Database Tables Affected by Recurring Payments

Examples of Recurring Payment

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Payment Transactions

About Check Payment Transactions

Adding a New Customer Account for Check Payment Services

The Cycle of an ACH Check Payment Transaction

About Check Payment Status Flow

About Credit Card Payment Transactions

About Instant Credit Card Payments

About Scheduled Credit Card Payments

About Credit Card Payment Status

About the Address Verification Service

Viewing Payment Reports

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Loading Billing Data Into Oracle Billing Insight

Process of Loading Billing Data

Setting Global Variables and Email Passwords for ODI Processes

Loading Master Files

Methods for Loading Provisioning Data

Using a Custom Process to Create a Batch Provisioning Input File

Loading Postpay Billing Files

Loading Prepay Billing Files

Loading Unbilled Files

Rejecting Billing Files

Rejecting Statements

Publishing a Data Load Manually

Resolving Checksum Errors

Purging Loaded Data

Purging Unbilled and Prepay Data Records

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Reviewing Production Activity

About Job Reports

Viewing Job Reports

About Message Log Files

Viewing Production Log Messages

Monitoring Service Status

About Administrator Activity Auditing

Setting Enrollment Properties

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Administering the Database

Managing the Payment Module Database

Migrating B2C Users in Batch Mode

Deleting B2C Users in Batch Mode

Canceling Payments for B2C Billing Accounts

About Purging Data

Viewing Help for Running the Purge Script

Purging Payment Account and Related Data

Purging Hierarchies and Hierarchy Assignments

Purging User Data

Purging Statement and Invoice Fact Data

Purging Validation Codes

Purging Administrator Activity

Purging Locked Administrators in Command Center

Purging Data in Batch Mode

Purging Sample Data

Auditing Purged Data

Running the Master Key Update

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Database Partitioning

Database Partitioning Architecture

Process of Setting Up New Group Database Partitions

Creating a New Partition Group

Associating Data with a Partition Group

Moving Data Between Partitions

Removing an Empty Partition Group Key

Rejecting a Data Move Between Partition Groups

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Error Messages

Command Center Job Error Messages

Payment Error Messages

Payment Consolidator Error Messages

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Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.