Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Payment Consolidator Jobs >

PCBillSummary Job

You use the PCBillSummary job to generate a file with bill summary information for users who have successfully enrolled to use a payment consolidator. The file is provided to the payment consolidator. The output content and file format are determined by an XML template.

The summary file includes all active, enrolled accounts whose statement load date is in the time period specified in the job configuration. You can limit the bill summary to specific accounts only by creating a CSV file with the biller and account IDs and specifying the file name in the job configuration.

The job configuration also lets you choose to regenerate multiple bill summaries within a billing period, which lets you rerun the job if an error occurs. The PCBillSummary job only generates the bill summary for accounts that enrolled with a biller using the payment consolidator's site. The PCBillSummary job consists of the BillSummary task.

If an error occurs while generating a summary record, then the BillSummary task automatically sends an email notification to all administrators. This job also generates a log file, which is linked in the notification. For information about configuring an alert profile to narrow the list of administrators who receive email notifications from this and other payment consolidator jobs, see Creating Alert Profiles.

Parameters for Configuring the BillSummary Task

Table 55 describes the configuration parameters for the BillSummary task.

Table 55. Parameters for Configuring the BillSummary Task

Bill Summary File Type

The bill summary file type. The file type determines which template is used to generate the summary file.

Biller Name

Select the biller to use with this job.

Date Selection Criteria

The billing period date range: Today, Yesterday - Today, Fixed Date, or N days ago - Today. With the Fixed Date option, you must specify the from and to dates in the MM/dd/yyyy format.

From Date: MM/DD/YYYY

The from date, if you selected Fixed Date for the Date Selection Criteria parameter.


The to date, if you selected Fixed Date for the Date Selection Criteria parameter.

N Days Ago - Today

If using the N Days Ago - Today range, then specify the number of days: 1-31.

List of Accounts: CSV File

To limit the bill summary to specific accounts only, specify the biller and account IDs in a CSV file and specify the file name here.

Send Duplicate

Indicates whether to generate and send a statement summary multiple times within the same billing period:

  • Y. Generate the bill summary for all active enroll accounts when the job runs.
  • N. Generate the bill summary only for the accounts whose bill summary in the period has not been generated yet. N is the default.

File Drop Location

The name of the directory where the task places the bill summary output file.

File Extension

The name of the extension to add to the bill summary output file.

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