Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Configuring the Payments Module > Configuring Payment Gateways >

Parameters for Configuring a Payee Bank Account

Table 68 shows the parameters you configure when adding a new payee bank account.

Table 68. Configuration Parameters for a New Payee Bank Account


The name of the payee DDN. The payee bank account will be assigned to this payment DDN.

Company ID

This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Company ID field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to identify the biller in the ACH return file.

Company Name

The name given to the Biller by the Biller's bank (ODFI). This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH File Header record's Company Name field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to identify the biller in the ACH return file.

Company Entry Description

Describes the purpose of the detail records and is dependent on the type of details records. For example, this could be Gas Bill if the ACH Detail records following this Batch Header record are of type PPD. This value is provided by your bank, the payment gateway. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Company Entry Description field.


The routing number of the Biller's bank (ODFI). This value is provided by the payment gateway. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Originating DFI ID field.

Business Unit

The name of the business unit associated with this account.

Vertical Field 1, Vertical Field 2, Vertical Field 3

Fields that can be customized for use with your application. These parameters are optional.

Flexible Field 1, Flexible Field 2, Flexible Field 3

Fields that can be customized for use with your application. These parameters are optional.

Parameters for Configuring a New Credit Card Gateway Account

Table 69 shows the parameters you configure when adding a new credit card gateway account.

Table 69. Configuration Parameters for a New Gateway Account


The name of the payee DDN. The gateway will be assigned to this payment DDN.


The name of gateway you are configuring.

Gateway Account Name

A unique name for the gateway account.

Gateway Account Type

The type of gateway account, either:

  • MAIN_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNT. For the main transaction.
  • FEE_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNT. For the convenience fee transaction.

User Name

The user name for connecting to the payment gateway server. For the CyberSource payment gateway, the User Name is the CyberSource Merchant ID.


The password for connecting to the payment gateway server. For the CyberSource payment gateway, for the value of Password, see the Transaction Security Keys in the CyberSource Business Center

Additional Parameter(key=value separated by ",", comma)

Any additional parameters to pass to the payment gateway server. Place the additional parameter and values in the format shown:


Chase Paymentech Orbital Payment Gateway requires MerchantId as an additional parameter, for example: MerchantId=1111111111.

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