Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Loading Billing Data Into Oracle Billing Insight >

Purging Unbilled and Prepay Data Records

Oracle Billing Insight provides an ODI process for purging unbilled and prepay data records, if necessary. You can purge all unbilled or prepay data records older than a date that you specify.

You might need to purge any unbilled data records that did not get removed from the Oracle Billing Insight database by the LOADPOSTPAYFILE scenario. Unbilled data records can remain if, for some reason, unbilled records never get billed.

It is recommended that you keep not more than three months of prepay data, as this could result in less efficient reporting analysis on the data.

To purge loaded unbilled or prepay data records

  1. Log into SQL*Plus as the schema owner.
  2. Run the EDX_PURGE_UNBILLED_DATA or the EDX_PURGE_PREPAY_DATA procedure as shown in the following example

    set serveroutput on


    vdate varchar2(30) := to_date('05/01/2013','mm/dd/rrrr');

    vval int;


    EDX_PURGE_UNBILLED_DATE(vdate ,vval);





    • EDX_PURGE_UNBILLED_DATA is the purge process. Use EDX_PURGE_UNBILLED_DATA to purge unbilled data and EDX_PURGE_PREPAY_DATA to purge prepay data.
    • 05/01/2013 is the older-than date.
  3. A return value of -1 indicates possible errors. Check the EDX_RPT_ETL_LOG file for more information.
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