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Web Service API Resources for Analytics Based on the Business Hierarchy (Business Edition Only)

You use the analytics resource to manage analytics that are based on the business hierarchy as described in Table 8. The number of entries returned is based on the calling user's access to the company's specific business hierarchy.

Table 8. API Resources for Analytics That Are Based on the Business Hierarchy (Business Edition Only)
Resource URI
API Input Parameters



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the highest-spending service of all service agreements under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Highest Spending Services report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the most expensive calls of all service agreements under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd,

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Most Expensive Calls report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the longest calls of all services agreements under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Longest Calls report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the most frequently called numbers of all services agreements under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Most Frequently Called Numbers report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the most frequently called destinations of all service agreements that a user can access from her position in the company's billing hierarchy.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Most Frequently Called Destinations report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the most frequently called countries of all service agreements that a user can access from her position in the company's billing hierarchy.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, parameter
(numResults), hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for Most Frequently Called Countries report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the group-spending trend for all groups under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for the Group Spending Trend report.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Returns the service-spending trend for all services under a particular business hierarchy position.



reportPeriodStart, reportPeriodEnd, hierarchyId, hierarchyNodeId

Creates a batch report schedule request for Service Spending Trend report.

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