Installation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Configuring the Oracle Database >

Creating the Oracle Billing Insight Database Using Ant

Oracle Billing Insight provides an ant script for creating the Oracle Billing Insight database. The ant script uses Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

Before running the Ant script you must configure the file with the same EBILL database SID and tnsnames, and OLTP and OLAP user names and passwords. This properties file contain configuration parameters specific to each installation and are used by the Ant script that installs the Oracle Billing Insight database.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring the Oracle Billing Insight Database.

To create the Oracle Billing Insight database using Ant

  1. Open the configuration file in a text editor. This file is located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/db/oracle
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\db\oracle

      In the directory, EDX_HOME is the location where you installed Oracle Billing Insight.

  2. In the file, specify the property values for the current installation. For property details, see Table 3.
  3. Go to the directory with the Oracle Database installation files:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/db/oracle
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\db\oracle
  4. If you have not configured the Apache Ant environment, then do so now:
    • UNIX. Run the following commands, where JDK8 is your JDK version:

    export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.9.6

    export JAVA_HOME= /opt/JDK8

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    • Windows. Run the following commands, where JDK8 is your JDK version:

    set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.9.6

    set JAVA_HOME= c:\JDK8

    set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin

  5. Enter Ant to run the build script.

    By default, the Ant command runs the build.xml file in the current directory.

  6. Select Option 1, Create a Database Instance Using DBCA.

    This step can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to complete, depending on the speed of your platform. DBCA creates a new instance for the Oracle Billing Insight database, and defines the data dictionaries and all system database objects.

    Ant returns to the current menu when finished. Review all log files for possible errors.

  7. Select Option 3, Create Database Schemas and Objects.

    This step creates a schema and objects for the Oracle Billing Insight database.

  8. Select Option 1, Create Tablespaces
  9. Select Option 2, Create Schemas.

    If you have set properties for TDE encryption, then the Ant script prompts you to create an Oracle Wallet password when it is ready to create the Master Encryption Key. Specify a password for the Oracle Wallet, then enter it again.

  10. You have the option to create database users and objects in one step or separately:
    • To create both users and objects in one step, select Option 3, Run Steps 1 and 2. Review all log files for possible errors.
    • To create users and objects separately, select Option 1, Create Database Users. Select Option 2, Create Database Objects. Review all log files for possible errors.

      The script creates new database users, grants the necessary permission and privileges, and creates all the database objects for the Oracle Billing Insight OLTP and OLAP schemas. Ant returns to the current menu when finished.

  11. Select Option 6, Return to the Main Menu.

Oracle Billing Insight Installation Properties

Table 3 describes the properties you must specify in the file for your installation.

Table 3. Properties in the File


The root installation path for any Oracle product installed through an installer that is based on Oracle Universal Installer.


The OLAP schema user name.


The password for the OLAP schema.


The OLTP schema user name.


The password for the OLTP schema.


The Oracle SID of the Oracle Billing Insight database.


The Oracle SID of the Oracle Billing Insight database if pluggable database is being used.


The Oracle Billing Insight database TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) name.


The password of the SYS user.


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_EDX_DATA_TB_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_EDX_INDX_OLAP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


(Optional) If you are implementing database encryption, then specify the location of the Oracle wallet folder location. Use the same location that you set in the sqlnet.ora file.


(Optional) If you are implementing database encryption, then specify whether the Oracle Wallet opens automatically when the database instance is restarted, or whether you must open it manually using the Ant Encryption menu. The value can be Y or N. It is recommended to set the value to Y.


(Optional) When you are using encryption, specify whether to use column-level encryption in the OLAP schema. The value can be Y or N.


(Optional) When you are using encryption, specify whether to use tablespace-level encryption in the OLAP schema. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.


The Oracle Billing Insight database listening port for creating the bootstrap user.


The Oracle Billing Insight database host name for creating the bootstrap user.


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_APP_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_APP_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_LOAD_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_LOAD_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_FS_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_FS_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_STG_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the L_DB_STG_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the LARGE_DB_EDX_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the LARGE_DB_EDX_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the MEDIUM_DB_EDX_DATA_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


The folder location where the installation script creates the MEDIUM_DB_EDX_INDX_OLTP_FILE_LOC schema tablespace. The installation script automatically adds the Oracle SID, schema name, and /data to the path, as in:


(Optional) When you are using encryption, specify whether to use column-level encryption in the OLTP schema. The value can be Y or N.


(Optional) When you are using encryption, specify whether to use tablespace-level encryption in the OLTP schema. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.

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