Prerequisite checklist

Before installing, run through the following checklist to verify you've satisfied all prerequisites.

For more information on each prerequisite, refer to the relevant section in Prerequisites.

Note: BDD includes a script called the prerequisite checker that verifies whether your system meets all install requirements. You can run this script after you update BDD's configuration file. For more information, see Running the prerequisite checker.
Prerequisite Description
Hardware Minimum requirements:
  • WebLogic nodes: quad-core CPU
  • Dgraph nodes: dual-core CPU

Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale installation will require more.

Memory Minimum requirements:
  • Managed Servers: 16GB (5GB for WebLogic Server and 11GB for the Transform Service)
  • Dgraph nodes: 5GB (excluding requirements for HDFS, if applicable)
  • YARN cluster: 16GB (combined)

Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale installation will require more.

Disk space Minimum requirements:
  • 30GB in ORACLE_HOME on all BDD nodes
  • 20GB in TEMP_FOLDER_PATH on all BDD nodes
  • 10GB in INSTALLER_PATH on the install machine
  • 512MB swap space on the install machine and all Managed Servers
  • 39GB virtual memory on all Transform Service nodes

Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale installation will require more.

Network The hostname of each BDD machine can be externally resolved and accessed using the machine's IP address.
Operating system
  • OEL 6.4+, 7.1
  • RHEL 6.4+, 7.1
Linux utilities
  • /bin:
    basename     date     more     true
    cat          dd       rm
    chgrp        df       sed 
    chown        mkdir    tar
  • /usr/bin:
    awk       expr     netcat     tail     which
    cksum     gzip     perl       tr
    cut       head     printf     unzip
    dirname   id       sudo       wc
  • Perl 5.10+ with multithreading
  • The Mail::Address and XML::Parser Perl modules
  • The default umask set to 022
  • curl 7.19.7+ (with support for --tlsv1.2 and --negotiate) on all nodes that will host Studio
  • Network Security Services (NSS) 3.16.1+ and nss-devel on all nodes that will host Studio
  • tty disabled for sudo
  • Apache Ant 1.7.1+ installed and added to the PATH on all nodes, including Hadoop nodes
OS user The following are set for the bdd user:
  • Passwordless sudo and SSH on all nodes, including Hadoop nodes
  • Passwordless SSH on all nodes, including Hadoop nodes
  • Bash set as the default shell
  • Permission to create the ORACLE_HOME directory on all nodes
  • Distributions:
    • CDH 5.7.x (min. 5.7.1), 5.8.x, 5.9.x, 5.10.x, 5.11.x
    • HDP 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)
    • MapR 5.1+
  • Components:
    • Cluster manager: Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS
    • ZooKeeper
    • HDFS
    • HCatalog
    • Hive
    • Spark on YARN
    • Hue
    • YARN
  • Spark on YARN, YARN, and HDFS are on all Data Processing nodes
  • YARN configuration has been updated
HDP-specific requirements
  • The required client libraries are on the install machine
  • The hive-metastore, spark-assembly, and hive-exec JARs are on all Hadoop nodes
MapR-specific requirements
  • The MapR Client is installed on all non-MapR nodes that will host the Dgraph, Studio, and the Transform Service
  • PAMs are disabled
  • The YARN Resource Manager IP is configured correctly on the machine hosting MCS
  • The directories /user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/<bdd> and /user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/edp/data are either nonexistent or mounted with a volume
  • The permissions for the /opt/mapr/zkdata and /opt/mapr/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.5/logs directories are set to 755
  • The required Spark, ZooKeeper, and Hive patches have been applied
  • JDK 7u67+
  • JDK 8u45+
  • The installed JDK contains the HotSpot JVM, which supports MD5
  • $JAVA_HOME set on all nodes
  • /user/<bdd_user> and /user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> created in HDFS
  • bdd user is a member of the hive and hdfs groups
  • bdd principal and keytab file have been generated
  • bdd keytab file and krb5.conf are on the install machine
  • kinit and kdestroy are installed on BDD nodes
  • core-site.xml has been updated (HDP only)
  • /user/<bdd_user> and /user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> in HDFS
  • bdd user is a member of the hive group
  • BDD role
  • Kerberos enabled for BDD and Hadoop
  • KMS is installed and configured
  • TLS/SSL enabled in Hadoop for HDFS, YARN, Hive, and/or KMS
  • The public key certificates for all TLS/SSL enabled services (HDFS, YARN, Hive, and/or KMS) have been exported and copied to the install machine
  • The password for cacerts is set to the default (chageit)
HDFS data at rest encryption
  • Kerberos and TLS/SSL enabled for BDD and Hadoop
  • The key trustee KMS and key trustee server installed and configured in Hadoop
  • HDFS data at rest encryption enabled in Hadoop
  • A BDD encryption zone has been created in HDFS
  • The bdd user nas GENERATE_EEK and DECRYPT_EEK privileges for the encryption and decryption keys
Dgraph databases
  • If stored on HDFS:
    • The HDFS DataNode service is on all Dgraph nodes
    • cgroups are set up, if necessary
    • (Optional) Short-circuit reads are enabled in HDFS
    • The bdd user has read and write permissions to the databases directory in HDFS
    • If using a non-default mount point, it's empty and the bdd user has read, write, and execute permissions for it
    • You installed the HDFS NFS Gateway service
  • If stored on an NFS:
    • The NFS is set up
    • All Dgraph nodes can write to it
  • The number of open file descriptors is set to 65536 on all Dgraph nodes
Studio database The following have been created:
  • One of the following databases:
    • Oracle 11g
    • Oracle 12c
    • MySQL 5.5.3+
  • A database username and password
  • An empty schema
Note: You can also configure the installer to create an HSQL database for you, although this isn't supported for production environments.
Web browser
  • Firefox ESR
  • Internet Explorer 11 (compatibility mode not supported)
  • Chrome for Business
  • Safari 9+ (for mobile)