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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 产品说明


更新时间: 2016 年 10 月

初始系统配置的第 4 步中的浏览器提示

在初始系统配置过程中 (installmc –deploy),在第 4 步时会提示您输入附加信息来配置浏览器。

  • 在相应的提示下提供您公司的标准信息。

  • 在以下提示处,按 Return 键接受默认输入:

    • Absolute path of the Explorer output top location? [/var/explorer/output]

    • Select the Explorer default transport upload method from this list:

      1) Using Diagnostic Assistant (DA)

      2) Other transport

      3) None

      [Using Diagnostic Assistant (DA)]

    • Do you want to configure Diagnostic Assistant to save credentials (y/n)? [y]

    • Solaris zones:

      By default, Explorer collects data from all running local zones when the option -w localzones is specified. If you wish to limit data collection to only some of the local zones, enter the names of those zones below. Separate multiple zone names with a comma ','.

      Comma-separated list of zone names or '-' for all zones []: