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Current and savings account dashboard provides a summary of the accounts. Current and savings dashboard displays the total net balance available in all accounts. It also displays the total number of accounts available to the user.

Summary of all accounts will be displayed on the user’s dashboard. The application will fetch details for all accounts linked to the logged in customer ID and display to the user. User can view account details such as net balance, account number, product name, customer name and joint account indicator on the dashboard for individual accounts.

User can view mini statements of all accounts with ease and convenience.

In addition to this, user can navigate to account statement screen to view complete transaction details or download account statement.

Apart from account overview, credit line usage, alerts, and account summary user can perform non-financial transaction:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Accounts > Current and Savings > Overview

Click on individual components to view in detail.

Accounts Overview
