New Deposit

The new deposit helps the user to open a new term deposit. User can view various term deposit offerings and its features before opening a term deposit.

Process for opening a new term deposit is simple, fast and secure. User details are pre-populated (for existing users) in while opening a new term deposit. User can open a term deposit with the sole owner or in a joint mode.

While opening a new term deposit, users can;

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Dashboard > Quick Links > New Deposit
Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits >New Deposit
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To open a new term deposit:


ClosedHow does a term deposit work?

A term deposit offers a fixed interest rate for a fixed term. Interest rates differ from time to time, as they depend on the term, the amount of the deposit and the interest payment frequency.
A term deposit helps you to earn more interest income while providing you with ready funds, as and when required.

ClosedWhen will I start earning interest on my term deposit?

You will begin to earn interest from the day your term deposit is opened with the bank and an initial deposit is made.

ClosedWhen will I receive interest?

You can provide specific interest payout instruction when you open a term deposit.
Interest is calculated daily and paid at maturity or at specified interest payout frequencies such as Monthly, Quarterly, Six Monthly, Annually with a final interest payment at maturity (if required).

ClosedCan I open a term deposit in joint names?

Yes, it is possible to open the term deposit with up to two joint holders.
