Auto Pay

Missing a credit card payment or not having time bandwidth to make the payment is common. Penalties and extra charges are bound to come, if a customer fails to make credit card payment.

To avoid such situation, application supports auto pay. Auto pay enables customer to set payment instruction for a particular credit card payment. With this feature, a customer can set the payment amount either to the Total outstanding amount or Minimum due and the source account to be used to for making the payment.

The Auto pay instruction is executed as per the credit card bill cycle for the selected card.

This option also allows you to de- register the AutoPay facility.

1) The option Setup/ Update Auto Repayment Instruction is not available for Add-on cards.
2) You cannot update the auto payment instruction if the previous request is in open status or if the card status is de-active.

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Account Card > Credit Card Details > AutoPay

To update and de register the Auto Pay instruction for the Credit Card:

  1. The confirmation to register for AutoPay instruction appears.
    Click Yes to set the Auto Pay instruction.
    Click No to cancel the transaction.
  1. In the Select amount for Autopay field, select the appropriate AutoPay type.
  2. From the Account Number list, select appropriate account number.
  3. To update the Auto Pay Instruction, click Update.
    To de-register the Auto Pay Instruction, click Deregister.
  4. Note: : The Deregister option appears if the card is already registered.

  1. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm .
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  2. The success message appears, along with the service request number.
    Click Done to complete the transaction.


ClosedWhat is auto pay and scheduled payments?

ClosedCan customer change or delete an online credit card payment if made?

If customer has scheduled the payment in advance of the due date, customer can up to the day before the payment is made to modify it.
