Credit Card Details

The credit card details screen provides information like Account details, Billing details, Limits and Rewards details of the selected card along with transactions links to access credit card features. Following are the categories displayed in details:

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Account Card > Credit Card Details

Primary user can transact Block Card, Request PINPersonal identification number (PIN) is a secret number given to an account holder to be used when they put their credit card or cash card into an automatic teller machine (ATM). If the number they use is correct they will be allowed to access their account., Cancel Card, Update Card Limits options on Primary and Add-on cards.
Whereas Add-on user can transact Block Card, Request Statement, Cancel Card, and Request PIN options on Add-on cards.

You can also perform following account related transactions:

  1. To pay the credit card bill, click Pay.
  2. To change the Bill cycle, click Change.
  3. To update Credit & Cash Limit, click Update.
  4.  To request for credit card pin, click Request PIN.
  5.  To block credit card, click Block Card.
  6.  To set auto pay for the credit card, click Auto Pay.
  7. Note: This feature is available if customer has opted for auto payment facility.

  8.  To cancel card, click Cancel Card.
  9.  To apply for Add-on card, click Apply for Add-on card.


ClosedCan I redeem my reward points once my card is closed?

ClosedHow can I check my credit card account balance?

Credit card details provides a summary of your current account status, including outstanding balance, available credit limit and information on when your next payment is due.
