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Credit Cards

A credit card is a payment card used to pay for goods and services availed by the card holder. Credit card helps customer to pay in the future for the services / goods availed at real time.

Most of the retail banking customer owns a credit card and makes use of it either in stores at POSPoint Of Sale terminal allows customers to pay restaurant bills, shopping bills, fuel charges at the outlets. In some cases, it can also be used to avail cash. terminal or for doing online transactions. Application helps customers to manage cards effectively and efficiently.

Application provides a complete view of the credit card(s) for active as well as inactive cards. Customer can perform most of the transactions applicable in a credit card life cycle.

Credit Card Dashboard

Application dashboard for credit cards gives a holistic view of all credit cards. Credit card dashboard helps customers to access any of the credit card feature start from applying for a new card till viewing of inactive card details.

Dashboard provides the below options;

Click on individual components to view in detail.
