Service Request

Raising a service requestA Service Request is a user request for information or advice, or for a standard change. is one thing and tracking the request is another. The customer should be in a position to know the current status of the service request raised.

Application has a provision to view all the service requests raised from where the customer can track for a particular request. From the credit card dashboard, customer can view the number of pending service requests and can track the same for closure. Every service request raised has a reference number assigned which helps banks and customer to track it for closure.

Note: User cannot raise service again for the same party for the same option if previous SRA Service Request is a user request for information or advice, or for a standard change. is pending or open on card.

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Service Requests card > Service Requests

To view pending service requests:

  1. For more information on sorting record, click here.
  2. Click Sort Icon to sort the records in ascending or descending order.


ClosedWhat are the different types of service requests that I can make for credit cards?

You can request for the following credit card related services:
1. Block card: To block a stolen or lost credit card
2. Activate Auto Pay: To ensure hassle free payments directly from your account
3. Cancel Card: To cancel a credit card
4. PINPersonal identification number (PIN) is a secret number given to an account holder to be used when they put their credit card or cash card into an automatic teller machine (ATM). If the number they use is correct they will be allowed to access their account. Request: To request for a new PIN on your credit card
5. Update Card Limit: To request for a higher / lower limit on your credit card
6. Add OnAn additional card issued to the children or parents of the main card holder while sharing the limits. All the usage and charges are billed to the main cardholder. To the extent of card limit, it can be used by all. Card Request: To request for an additional credit card
7. Update Bill Cycle: To request for a new billing cycle for your credit card.
