Inactive Cards Details

Inactive cards are either the blocked cards, deactivated cards or canceled cards. The customer should be in a position to know which cards are inactive and does he need to action on these cards.

Application supports inactive cards, so that customers can view the details of these cards if required. The customers can take actions like Cancel Card, Make Payment of the Outstanding Amount, Activate a card on Blocked cards and Deactivated cards. However, for canceled cards, customer can just view the card summary and not the card details.

Application also supports Activating cards from Inactive status for Blocked and Deactivated cards. Once the customer takes action of Activate Card on the selected card, the selected card is no more visible under Inactive Card list.

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Inactive Cards > Inactive Account Card > Inactive Card Details

To view inactive credit card details:

Inactive Account Card

Note: For Cancelled card (Primary and Add-on )you can not view the account card details.

Inactive Card Details

User can also perform following account related transaction:

  1. To pay the credit card bill, click Pay.
