Update Card Limits

Changing credit limits for a credit card is now at the finger tips of the customer. No more calling to the bank customer care or visiting to a branch to update the credit limit.

With application, customers can initiate update credit limit request from the credit card detailed screen. Credit as well as Cash limit can be updated from within the application. The customer is shown the existing limits and has option, specify the desired limit for the credit card selected. The customer can confirm the request and can track the same in service requestA Service Request is a user request for information or advice, or for a standard change. option.

Update credit limit is also supported for Add-on cards maintained by the customers.

1) You can raise service request to update the card limit only for primary card.
2) The Add-on card limit should not exceed the credit and cash limit of the primary card, and it will be updated immediately (like online mode) if its not exceeding its primary limit.
3) You cannot update the credit limit if the previous request is in open status or if the card status is de-active.

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Account Card > Credit Card Details > Update Card Limit

To modify credit card limit:

  1. Enter the new Credit Limit and / or Cash Limit, as required.
  2. Note: It is mandatory to specify either New Credit Limit or New Cash Limit.

  3. Click Update.
  4. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  5. The success message appears, along with the service request number.
    Click Done to complete the transaction.


ClosedWhat is a Credit Limit?

The 'Credit limit' is the maximum amount that you can spend or borrow using credit card. This limit is determined by various personal details such as income, source of income, your credit rating and history etc.

ClosedWhat does "cash limit" mean?

Your cash limit is the amount of money that can be withdrawn on the credit card.

ClosedWhat happens if customer go over cash limit?

If cash limit exceeds, customer will not be able to make any more bank cash advance transactions until he /she have paid balance below the cash credit limit.
