Cancel Card

Things go outdated over a period of time, so does the customer needs. Cards features that were best suitable for a customer in the past fade with the changing lifestyle. The customer may want to end the existing card relationship and opt for a new card with new feature.

Application supports cancelling of credit card feature for customers. The customer can even specify the reason and feedback for canceling of card, which can be treated as an input to the bank for improvement of card services.

Application supports a cancelling card option for add-on cards as well.

You are here How to reach here:

Credit CardA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Dashboard > Account Card > Credit Card Details > Cancel Card

To cancel a credit card:

  1. From the Specify Reason list, select the appropriate reason to cancel the card.
  2. Click Cancel Card
  3. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm .
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  4. The success message appears, along with the service request number.
    Click Done to complete the transaction.

Note: Click View All link in Inactive Cards on dashboard to view the all the inactive credit cards like deactivated/ Blocked / cancelled / requested for cancellation held by a customer.


ClosedWill bank cancel a credit card if the card holder requests them to do so?
